AFF Maintenance Updates: Complete

We can now post comments without the spam commment notice, add a chapter without the authorization notice, and adjustments were made on the system that automatically marks chapter and blog posts rated.

Boss has been working on this for a week. He's tired and all I see are complaints. Let's be thankful. It's not like we experience glitches every single day. And these 'inconveniences' don't even last a day. Understand that when changes are being made on this site, some features can be affected. 

Maybe this is the reason why the names of moderators are not revealed. And I won't be doing that now. I was planning to the other day but thought against it. Boss could have easily put their profiles in the Moderators section if he wanted to. Well, it was there before. But users can be nasty OTL

I know there would be some remaining issues that needs to be fixed. So, if you want to reach them, ask a friend to hit that report content on your blog for you. I have no other alternative solution other than this but we have to make an official report [I really liked the ticketing system before]. I know there isn't an appropriate subject title yet but have a friend choose the last option and say that you are reporting a technical issue. Make sure to explain in detail the problems you are experiencing and be polite. We are free loaders. We don't pay rent. We don't get to order people around. That's rude. We only have one person for Tech Support and that's boss. We don't have a team of technicians to fix everything right away. Anyway, he fixes it asap even after a tiring day in the real world.

I don't want to bother boss with it but he told me to notify him if something weird happens in the site. It is better to deal with these small issues than leave them alone, until it becomes a bigger problem. But make sure the problem is with the site not your internet.

Perhaps someone could make a thread on this. We already have the report content link if we want to notify moderators regarding plagiarism issues and violations in the Terms of Use but we don't have a log for technical issues/glitches which boss can check.




Too lazy. I'll just pm boss.




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Boss Nichi is so busy, and yet, takes time to take care things here in AFF for us, and these fools got nothing to do but complain. tsk tsk tsk
And, because of the glitch, Boss Nichi updated his fic lol which was good for me, I get to read a short update. Though, I don't want anything bad to happen here in AFF for him to update it.
If someone asks for a Mod, I don't give out the names of the Mods easily either lol There are those crazy ones out there, unless its really a big problem, I'd rather hit the 'report content' lolol and then whoever Mod gets to it will look into it.
ButterflyShida #3
yes, i'm really happy now! Without any problems
Yeah.. actually Boss seriously is helpful in every problem and gives quick response. I personally appreciate it :)
Thanks for sharing the updates