♕ → 〈 the heiress 〉 〈 Park Sooyoung 〉 〈 The Heiress of The Computer Programs.c 〉


the heiress of the computer programs.c 
Park Sooyoung
Username : 1icehoneysam4
Profile link : sam
Activeness : 9 || i love to read fanfics and have nothing to do.
Character's name : Park Sooyoung
Other names : Aiden Park
Age : 17
Nickname : Ai-her parents and Lay called her this
Soo-by the heiress only
Aiden-her friends called her this
Date Of Birth :  27 | December | 1996
Place of Birth :   Osaka,Japan
Hometown : Seoul,South Korea 
Ethnicity : Half Korean and Half Japanese
Languages : Korean-Fluent,Japanese-Fluent and English-Half fluent
Horoscope : Capricon
Favourite colour : Dark Orange #ff0000
Favourite food :  Her mother's cooking 
Favourite drink : Everything that cold like smoothies 
Personality : A girl inside and a boy outside,Sooyoung always being misunderstand from the other people as a boy since the way she dress totally looked like a boy.People might thought that she actually a tomboy or a boy but the truth is,she not like that at all.Sooyoung only like to wear a boy clothes but she didn't act like one.It's a time when she wear her hat she will look like a boy but that because her hair being kept inside since she didn't like it being seen when she wear  a hat.Sooyoung actually a well manner girls but can be harsh too without she realized it.She close with everyone since this girls totally an easy-going person who didn't care what the other thinks about her.Sooyoung love to listen what everyone talked about and can't help but to cut the conversation if she is dying to know what it is about.Someone that cheerful and always jumping around,can't stand still and nobody can stop her.Sometimes,she like to keep her hair long and will cut it when she felt sad or anger but that rarely happens because her mother will scold her if she always do that.
A determined person who will never do something with a half job,she will end it even there's many obstacle because she will felt really happy after finished it,didn't matter what happen after that she still will felt satisfied with her own job.Nobody can disturb her when she do something that really important and will never move from her place until she finished it.She also clumsy and a forgetful person which always forget what she have to do such as,if the teacher make her do something,she will forget what it is as soon the teacher leave her alone and will be hysteria trying to remember what that things is.There's a time when she will drooling in the class but never being caught by the teacher or by the student at all since she really know how to hide it because she knew she will always do that in the class.Sooyoung can't stand perfume that had a strong scent because her nose really sensitive and it's the same as smokes.She can't take a breath of the smokes at all since she will have a problem to breath,it's not that bad but still make she felt like she will faint anytime soon.Sooyoung didn't have an asthma but people always thought she have it since the way she act whenever there's smoke at the place she stand.Also a bold person which kept talking something that nobody will thought and can be a stupid person when it's involve with love.
Sooyoung really sporty and love to play basketball but she can't since the school didn't have a basketball team for the girls and she always end up sighing each time seeing the boys play basketball.A person who really understanding and everyone can find her if they need an advice or want to confess something.Sooyoung really good in kept a promise and she will never told anyone about it even if that person is a stranger to her.She didn't like to wear girl clothes but will when her mother brought her went to a party where all the famous person will be there.Mostly,she will end up being alone and doing nothing since her parents always talked with their friends.The last,Sooyoung like to space a lot and sometimes,people thought she were looking at them which she actually not.
Likes : 
  • basketball - she love to play but her mother didn't allow her to do that and end up playing secretly alone or sometimes will have a game with Lay,just the two of them
  • beach  -  a place which she always love to go for a confession or a sleeping place for her
  • rooftop - also a favorite place of her to sleep and read some manga
  • rain - never afraid of it and will always run under the rain even she will get a cold for the next day
  • day dreaming - she also a girl who like to day dreaming until drooling in the class about her prince charming
  • hat - will never take it off except with the heiress or her family
  • singing - she love to sing and her female voice will come out as she sing
Dislikes : 
  • blood - she didn't know why but she will faint if see this things even for a drop of blood
  • girlish - she always hate this kinds of person and might end up pulling their hair just for fun
  • smokes - she hate the smell and the smoke make her hard to breath 
  • frog - this animal will make she jump like a monkey if she saw one
  • horror - make her can't sleep at night and keep thinking about the horror parts for a weeks
  • dark place - this remind her about the horror movies that she watch
  • playboy - whoever playboy in this world will be her enemy
Pet peeves : 
  • she hate when people touch her hat and will not talk with that person for a few hours 
  • she didn't like when someone calling her cute just because she have a small face
  • being cocky to her and she will be most evil person you ever seen
  • Sooyoung didn't like someone look into her eyes because she will felt nervous and that make her felt annoying 
  • eat her food and you will get a death glare from her until the end of the day
Hobbies : 
  • reading manga-she will always bring a manga with her wherever she go and that book will never gone from her hands
  • sleeping - the things that she always do when there's nothing to do even if she in the class and the teacher were teaching
  • stalking - he will secretly get to know about her crush slash her friend+enemies and find what the other do in his spare time
  • searching restaurant that have delicious food - she like to eat and will try to find any shop that suit her taste with her family in the weekend.
  • knitting- she love to make a cute stuff secretly
Habits : 
  • look around - will do this if he felt nervous or were waiting someone and her eyes will never stop from looking around
  • bite her fingers - the way to calm down herself when she felt really angry
  • pouting - she always do it when she felt hungry and never realized she pout in front her boy friends.
  • mumbled in sleep - she rarely get a nightmare but when she have one,she will keep mumbled about silly things
  • her lips - she didn't wear any lip balm or lipstick and her lips always dry,she only it too make it didn't dry too much
  • sways her legs - she do this when he felt really bored and might kick someone who were sitting beside her
Talents : 
  • good in sports - she almost good in everything but she love basketball the most
  • hacking - her speciality since she always help her father since she still a kid
  • listen to people - she always say this is her talents when someone ask her and she really a good one in this kind of things
  • joke - she have a good sense and always manage to make her friends laugh
Trivia :   
  • like to do something that her mother hate like being too friendly with people that not at their level,mostly the boys at her school
  • didn't like spicy things and that will make he cry 
  • afraid of bugs despite his manly side
  • her mother always make her wear short dress and bring her along when there have party among the heir
  • have a small face which all the girl will felt jealous about her
  • do something cute without her realized when she with the other heiress
  • already have a fiance but she didn't even know who that person is(Lay,even he didn't know who his fiance is)
  • have a weak stomach even though she a big eater
  • she have two twitter acount such as @Smo_Soo and @Aiden_96
  • hate bubble tea the most even though she like cold drinks
  • like to hangout with the other heiress and force them to do something crazy like make pranks towards the teacher
Family members :  4
Father :  Park YongChun | 40 | CEO of the computer programs.c | whenever they meet,these two will be a troll with each other and always cause trouble to her mother which always end up with the scolding from his mother
Mother : Kim EunJoo | 40 | Housewife | the most understanding mother but will be a scary one towards her family when they do something wrong
Siblings :  Park Shin Il | 19 | student | Sooyoung will be a troll with her brother and her father and these three have a good relationship and always hangout together
Ulzzang name : Kim Jee In
Ulzzang photobook :  Gallery | 2
Ulzzang Links : 1 2
Back-up ulzzang name : Cho Ahram
Back-up ulzzang photobook : Gallery
Back-up ulzzang Links :  1 2
Height : 169cm
Weight : 56kg
Appearance Description : Sooyoung love her hair short but also will kept it long since her mother will scold her if she didn't do that.She thought it was a troublesome if she keep her hair long.She has a scar on her palm at the right hands because of some accident which involve her when she still a kid.There's a group who try to kidnapped her but failed.She have a birthmark at the back of her shoulder which really small and need a close up if want to see it.
Style : Sooyoung always wears boys clothes such as the pants that bigger than her size and a clothes which didn't suit her at all.A hat always on his head and she didn't take it off except when she alone with the heiress.Have many kind of glasses and keep changing it when went to the school.Never bored with poker dot and she like the style.She also like to wear short pants which make she can move freely and being comfortable.
1 2 3 4
Love Interest's name : Lay
How did you met? : Yixing and Sooyoung never meet before but they had hear about each other.This year,they being place in the same class and they seat were being placed beside each other.At first like always,Sooyoung have  a good day and she greet the other first but Yixing being slightly cocky around her since that day he have problem with his family.Without the second thought,Sooyoung already mark him as her enemy and since the way he acts around the girls also make Sooyoung hate the other without notice that she already fall for him.They keep fighting with each other,in the class or even outside of the class.Can't meet with each other at all but they still behave in the class,trying not to look at each other face.
Yixing a playboy and always flirt with girls.Even though she knew that Sooyoung is a girl but he felt scared to touch her or make something to her because he didn't want to hurt her like he always do towards other girls.There's a day where they will be good towards each other and say everything what they want.There's a new feeling come into his heart until he afraid that he might love the other.Always end up being pair in any assignment that given to them since they sit beside each other and growing closer by that.Still arguing with each other every day but will laugh at that afterwards.Their friends called them Tom and Jerry whenever they sit beside each other and that didn't make the two flinch or anything since already use to it even it's still not a year they knew each other.
Relationship status : cats and dogs. Argue everyday. 
Back-up love interest's name : Jongin
Your plotline : Heiress of the computer programs.c
Short description about your character : Sooyoung is very determined in whatever she is doing,love computer game,know everything about it and maybe the most top female hackers her father ever have.Didn't easily sulking with people but still will get a revenge when she have the right time.
comment : fighting for the story!it seem interesting and hope luck for you~^^and already edit it!^^
scene request : where they end up leave alone at the school since being locked in the classroom
another scene where the heiress parents make a party and all the boys will be there
password : School 2013
 author's note
» please do not delete this section. REMEMBER. submit at the submit link given. I'm sorry to trouble you with the stupid freaking password. I want to
make sure you read the rules carefully. Okay, good luck <3




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I'm so so so so sorry but I think tomboy personality would probably destroy the whole story. I like your idea but, THE HEIRS is about the rich people and i think a 'girl' personality suits it better ^^