Dad's a jerk.

I got a phone recently and it's been say what... I think four months since I've had it?


I use it... a lot. But only for music. Never at home.

I'm a lazy when it comes to replying or anything and since I live in the country it's not like my friends can plan some night out within a day or anything like that so there's really no need for me to have a phone. 

Really, I only use my phone for messaging mum and dad when I'm at school because that's the only time I'm not at home.


But everytime my parents hear this thing about addiction or something of the like on the internet, radio, news, they'll talk to me, say it's bad and all that .


Yes, I ing get it.

Addiction is bad.

Addiction to the internet is bad.

Addiction to your phone is worse.

One in ten teenagers have a serious addiction and five are borderline.

Addiction to your phone gives you crap test results.




For the record, I spend twenty times more time on my computer than my phone.

I. Use. My. Phone. For. Music. 

Music only.



So when dad gets me today to discuss my phone usage and habits I got really ticked off.

He thinks I should spend more time on my studies than my phone.

My phone seems to be really disrupting my lifestyle habits.

I always seem to be on my phone.

Whenever he sees me I'm on my phone.

Considering my marks I should be studying more.




For your information on an average I get A or A*.


I didn't yell at him but I said,

Fine then, take my phone off me.


And that might have been worse because he throws an instant hissy fit and I'm ing ready to just grab a hammer and smash the bloody thing because I don't give a about that or anything else but when someone accuses me of doing something that I don't or didn't do, my temper flares.

Because that is the most unfair bloody thing that can happen to you.


If anything take my computer.

He just doesn't ing get it.


Mum's not too bad when it comes to this but dad is ing terrible.


I try to look at it both ways but it just doesn't work out because he didn't bother to look at it both ways.



He blames anything that he doesn't approve of as lowering my grades. I get high enough grades yes.

But hasn't he ever in the slightest consider that his daughter is a stupid, incompetent idiot who may possibly not be getting the grades he wishes for?

You don't see me waltzing up during assembly to collect any awards so don't even dream of me becoming some Einstein.



People say, if you think you have a bad life or story, someone will have another that will make your life sound like a King's. 

But that because no matter where you are or what you do, you will always have scenarios where you just want to stick your head through a concrete wall. 

People say there are other people in poverty and that your life is infinitely better and be glad of what you have.

You can think that, but if you want to know, not all people are born saints.

I may sound like an but yes, you may pity people who aren't living in favourable conditions but as soon as that moment passes, they were like a blimp in your life.

You forget about them or whatever else and worry about your own problems. 

Because, to me, that's how humans think and go. We worry about our own survival (different from the past though but it's still survival) and tend to think less about others. 


I'm not saying we should give up all the charities and don't donate and all that . But please don't give me all that bull.

Just please.

I'm sick of hearing all of it.


I could also go on a whole another rant about cutting and suicidal thoughts.

But I won't because from reading some of your blogs ( there's quite a few of you out there ) you'll be offended.
I am a hard person and say what's on my mind.

You can contradict me if you want, I won't take it as offence but I'm just sick of everything.


I'm not suicidal, I don't think I'm in depression nor do I want to be. 
But there are moments in life where you just want to be a bird and crap on every single little tiest moment in your life. 
Because like people say.

Life is a ing .





I'm somewhat relieved to have all that off my chest.

It wasn't just the phone but I've been really frustrated for a few weeks now and I just needed to let it out somewhere because there is nowhere else to go.


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I get it. my parents did those things to me too. Only the differences that I really talk back and go against them.