Bye to one of my closest friends :c

So, if you haven't heard always from always_hunhan, my friend @jnkann is leaving to Japan! It's so heartbreaking because I just got really close to her this year! She's honestly one of the nicest people you will ever meet! She is so down to earth. I'm really glad I got to be friends with someone like her! Don't forget us, okay? We will all miss you Rae Ann! The people who get to have you in Japan are so lucky! Don't forget to tell me if you want any more shirts, I'll send them to you! haha :3 

Me & Rae Ann; Me, Rae Ann, Celyn (always_hunhan) 

You two are honestly the best people in the world! I love you guys <3

Curse me for being the shortest T^T


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always_hunhan #1
aw love you too!<3