10 Confessions

No I'm not complaining again.  Just confessing some things to everyone because I can.
If you want to ask me any questions, ask here. http://ask.fm/IlhoonAndZelo
Confession #1:
I procrastinate too much, therefore I tend to procrastinate on promises, leaving them unfulfilled, which ultimately means I can't keep promises well. At all. *kills self*
Confession #2:
I don't think I sing well, but I don't think my singing makes anyone ears bleed. I hope not anyway. But I really want to be able to sing well; I just don't have that talent. But I sing way too much and thats why I do covers. #yoloswag
Confession #3:
I've run away from home once and I'd like to say that it was one of the best experiences I've had in my whole life. Even if it did give me so me internal and emotional conflict.
Confession #4:
I know the reason why I'm failing school is because I procrastinate and want to do my own thing all the time, but I can't really be bothered trying to not procrastinate, so I just end up being a vegetable.
Confession #5:
I orefer reading , but I find myself pretty much only writing het. I don't get my brain.
Confession #6:
I'm honestly a very stuck-up/self-centered person. I don't really like it when someone is better than me and I seek attention a lot. And complain. Hahahahaha~ 
Confession #7:
If I soend a lot of time with one person, I'll like... I dunno... absorb their personality, habits and intrests. It's a little weird but it just happens.
Confession #8:
I have sort of like a... flirting buddy? OMG hahahaha~ I'm not usually a flirt, but I have this one friend and he's sort of like a flirt (people say he's a flirt but he just says he's polite. Maybe because he's English everyone thinks he's trying to seduce them or something) so we'll flirt with eachother as like a joke or something. He has this girl who he likes (actually it's a bit complicated; even I don't know whats going on between them but meh) and I just see him as a really close friend. #mutualfriendzoning
Confession #9:
The only Korean drama I've watched was Boy's Over Flowers and I never finished it. I find myslef not being able to watch K-Dramas or any romantic sort of shows. Recently I've only been watching CSI, Criminal Minds, Miss Marple, Poirot, Silent Witness, The Mentalist, Midsomer Murders, Bones and Castle. I only watch 2 J-Dramas and they're both crime dramas (Kawaii Detective and CSI: Crime Scene Talks - can be watched on VIKI).
Confession #10:
It kind of has to do with the last one, but I can watch pretty much any anime, write pretty much any genre of fanfiction, but I can only watch people solving crimes and I can't read every genre of fanfiction. It's like my brain can vomit up anything but it just can't take it in.


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I just learned so much about you. Thank the heavens!