(♥) -- gracefully! kwon siyoung


Check it now, stupid boys!


your ulzzang name : park seul ki

ulzzang gallery : one | two

back up ulzzang : gam dain

back up ulzzang gallery : one | two

You're making a girl say this first

idol name : kwon siyoung

stage name : rebekah

nick name // known as : 

  • rebekah // her english name
  • youngie // her last name, called by her family members
  • shiying  是英 // her real chinese name, called by her grandparents in singapore
  • li bai jia   利百加 // her english name in chinese, called by her fans in china 

d.o.b : 14 may 1995 (18)

twitter : @siiyoung_

instagram : rebekah1405

facebook : rebekah kwon

ethinicity : korean

languages :

  • korean (fluent 90/100)
  • english (conversational 50/100)
  • chinese (conversational 43/100)

birth place : seoul, south korea

home town : seoul, south korea

position : maknae, main dancer, lead rapper

back up position : lead dancer, main rapper

Oh, I really can't wait anymore !

personality : 

rebekah is a sweet lovable girl, she is the spotlight of her friends and people who wanted to get close to her. She is also the girl that people wants to protect her and spoilt her with cute and fluffy stuff. In her highschool, she may not be a queenka or the most popular member but she is definitely a girl who have alot of friends and people look up to her and wants to get close to her. Now, she is in her first year of college, girls who in their sophomore and junior year tend to verbal bully her because she is the dongsaeng of GDragon, her looks and talents. She never retaliate once and quietly hold in. she is a innocent and humble girl, she can never kill an ant and never feel guilty at all. rebekah is also known for her talents for rapping and dancing. she can sing and her friends agreed on that too but she prefers dancing and rapping. she is named as the power dancer in her freshman year. from what she is described, she may sound like a quiet girl but she is never a loud girl too. rebekah is never a shy and quiet girl, or being a microphone. she tend to be quiet when she is alone and she is only loud when she saw things she likes. she can scream and shout in public but she apologise after that.

rebekah is not a perfect girl, she have lot of flaws too. Isnt being a honest a good point for everyone, but to rebekah being honest is a flaw. she tend to be straighforward and hurt other people feelings, or when she is being honest that she isnt a perfect girl in her parents eyes or something she kept to herself, it does make her parents cry and feel that they are not a good parents.  she is also a sensible girl, she doesnt like people to worry especially for her, so when she is bullied or having a problem, she never tell and kept it to herself. everyone have a limit and so does rebekah. if anyone scold her for no reason, and really non related or either insult her family members and close friend, she will retaliate and scold them back but this is a scene that nobody seen before. she is also a girl that you seldom see her angry, if not she is a happy go luck girl. rebekah is also a girl who hardly shed tears well maybe because of her constant bullying but she is seen as the strong girl. she is innocent no doubt, but she is not the type of fragile person. she have alot of hidden things no one knows.

(if she is with her members - additional personality)

if she is with her members, her members tend to treat her like a baby, maybe she is the youngest or not but she is too cute and innocent for that. she is usually the closest to the umma of the group who have a soft spot for her. she knows some of her member is vulgur but maybe she is too young for that, they forbit vulgar language in their family. rebekah love the attention from her members and she sound like a attention seeker and she admit that.


background : (dont kill me if she was born to a super high class familyxD oh and gdragon is her oppa)

rebekah was born and raised in south korea, seoul. she came from a high class family, with her father being the heir of his family's company which is now one of south korea most successful company. her mother being a successful thoracic surgeon and one of the daughter of the minister. she have one older brother, kwon jiyong who is known as G-dragon, one of the most famous person in south korea and leader of famous boyband, bigbang.  she and jiyong have a of 7 years but they have a super close relationship and maybe the closest relationship in the family. jiyong became a trainee in sment at the age of 8 and he is busying training since then, and her parents is working from morning to night. but they never neglected her at all. being the closest to her brother, her brother is protective of her and doesnt even allow to go close to her since she is really innocent and too far from being taint by in his brother eyes. in every show or radio programme, he will say that his ideal type is his dongsaeng. at the age of 14, she auditoned for SM instead of YG where her brother keep teling her to try for YG so that he can look after her. but she decided that SM fit her image more and she look up to SM since young. 

rebekah is a bright girl, in her third grade in elementary school, she gotten first in her grade and her parents was overjoyed till they went australia, sydney for a holiday. from then, rebekah tried to maintain her position in the top 10. she also enrolled to sunhwa arts school and after a few months of holiday, she is going to attend seoul national university - college of music, seoul national unversity is south korea top university and rated first out of hundreds universitys out there.  other than her passion formusic, she is also a athlete girl, she may not play basketball like a pro, play the soccer like park jisung or hold the hockey stick properly, but she can definitely play volleyball, she is a spiker in her middle school volleyball team,  instead of joining any dance team she decided to play volleyball and join the volleyball team to make her stay fit and healthy. out of all sports, she dislike cycling and swimming the most. why, she have a not so pleasent experience with cycling and swimming. when she is 7, she started to cycle and she started with 4 wheels before she try cycling with 2 wheels. on the first week, with her tries of 2 wheels, she fell down of the bicycle and injured herself. she gotten a cast on her right arm for two weeks and after that, she fear of cycling. for swimming, she started swimming at the age of 6, she have swimming lessons and she swim alot when she is young. she still take up swimming lesson at 10 years old, and during one lesson. her playful friends who is taking up swimming course decided to play wrestle around the pool, and being a lovely girl rebekah is, trying to stop her friends and by accident one of her friend push her into the pool, and look closely that is a pool for adults and no way a 130 cm year old girl can swim or stand in that pool. she started struggling in that pool, her friends panicked and quickly call their instructor. her instructor jumped into the pool and saved the poor crying rebekah, and after this incident, she did not go near the deep pool or swim. but still doesnt stop her from going to the beach.



the things you like : 

  • dancing - she started dancing since 7
  • write lyrics - its her hobby to write in her free time
  • volleyball - a sport she definitely is confident in
  • bubble tea - yes, and a crazy fan of bubble tea and er for sweet thing
  • potato chips - especially calbee(?)[does korea sell that? IDK but yes my siyoung likes to brand calbee] and she is also a fan of chips
  • rapping - under the influence of her brother
  • jogging - to keep herself fit
  • listening to music - she feels relaxed and free
  • teddy bear - god, see how much teddy bear in her room and you know how much a crazy fan of teddy bear of hers. (the picture is her room...just imagine teddy bear is everywherexD)
  • simple and comfortable clothing - she doesnt like exaggerated clothing or glittery, it makes her uncomfortable
  • jokes - she laugh whenever she heard a joke and it brighten her day.
  • shopping - she can shop for 12 hours straight and not get tired of it
  • rainy days - whenever she feel sad or depress, she will walk under the rain to think and she really like the rain 


the things you dislike :

  • people worrying about her - she doesnt want to be a burden
  • swimming - she cant swim to be exact 
  • cycling - yes she cant cycle too, she scared of falling off the bike after an incident happen to her when she is 7 
  • bullying - she dislike bullying 
  • thunder and lightening - well, she likes the rain but not the thunder and lightning
  • vegetables - she have a thing for fried stuff and delicious stuff but not vegetable
  • being too honest - she is a honest person who cant lie and she know that this is a good and bad thing but she hurt alot of people for her blunt remark
  • her voice - she can rap, can dance , can sing but she just doesnt like her voice she thinks that whenever she sing got a weird voice coming out


hobbies & habbits ! :


  • writing lyrics 
  • play volleyball
  • dancing and rapping
  • jogging
  • eating


  • she get easily frighten if she heard a spooky sound
  • she bite her lips if she is nervous
  • roll her eyes if she starts to get annoyed
  • eating continously if she see food, and slow down only if anybody warned her
  • love to leave her hair messily and startled her family at night since they thought they saw ghost 

your rival : bae suzy

Are you really a guy? or are you just shy?



ulzzang/idol : kim jonghyun

back up ulzzang/idol : kim kibum key

d.o.b  (date of birth) : 8 april 1990  / 23 september 1991 (backup)

the relationship between you and your love interest ! *please be detailed! : 

jonghyun and rebekah have a innocent and cute relationship, jonghyun being teached by treating girls like a flower and he really protects rebekah like his girlfriend. jonghyun have a loud, outgoing and funny person he is, also known as the skinship king. he will hang his shoulder over rebekah sometimes when they hanging out so not to let any fans spot them. Sometimes will hold her hands or wrapped his arms around her waist to protect her. and for this small little skinship. rebekah will always blushed but now she is used to the skinship and tend to "scold" jonghyun for taking advantage of her. and both of them know she is joing. this is the cute and good side of their relationship.
another side is that they are like a going to divorce couple. both of them tend to bicker like no tomorrow just for one little things. although jonghyun is manly but he have a mental age of 9, he is really childish and tend to get things using his puppy eyes but rebekah doesnt fall for his eyes and arguing back.


how you and your love interest meet ! *please be detailed! : (sorry if you cant understand)

they met 2 years after rebekah joined sment and she is still a trainee. their first meeting is not cliche, like only those romantic dramas/movies first meeting. they met outside the entertainment when rebekah met into a small situation. When rebekah is on her way to sm entertainment for her rap lesson, she bumped into a girl older than her by a few years. from what she sees, she assumed that she is a fangirl when she is holding up bag that says i <3 super junior. when she is going to apologise, the fangirl started to scold her for opening her eyes bigger and look at her surrounding. rebekah bow a few times and she doesnt know how to get out of the situation and thats when jonghyun came in. he saw the situation and decided to save the poor girl who getting scolded. but in order not to get question or get into the headline for saving a poor girl or does shinee jonghyun have a girlfriend. so he decided to accidently dropped his empty cup on the floor to get their attention.
the girl who is scolding turn towards jonghyun and started fangirling, though she is a super junior bias, she is a smstan.she dropped her scolding and took out her camera and start filming jonghyun. jonghyun who look at rebekah and eye her to leave quickly and she understood and quietly leave. after that, their second meeting is that jonghyun saw rebekah went into the sment by the backgate and approach her and say that arent you the girl who get scolded just now? and thats how they know each other


other things about him : 

jonghyun is the power vocal of shinee, he is also the skinship king that nobody(s) can escaped his skinship. he easily cry and thats what we call emotional, he cried when they received the newcomer award, the first time they won a music award, the time they won the first juliette which written by himself and during their 2000th day, they received best artist of the year award. yeah. he is also a person that tend to make everybody smile and laugh, like making a joke or suddenly angrily burst. it is quite epic to be honest. jonghyun also can be quite scary if he is angry, he also cries if somebody close to him(like rebekah or his mom/sis) doesnt want him to involve in their matter and he will cried and say, why? i just want to protect you! jonghyun often give out a manly and strong image but in reality, he is a 23 year old with a mental age of 10 years old.

Boys be ambitious !

*aff username : KimEnRi

what should i call you : dumbdumb/ enri

*activeness : 8

suggestions :  na-

scenes : 

  • ​have a gracefullytv
  • jonghyun teach rebekah how to cycle or swim
  • a gd and rebekah moment
  • gracefully on various variety show
  • rebekah in school life (like how she survied in school before she deubt)

fanclub of your own? :  yeap

name of the fan club :  REBEna (ribena plus rebekah . pronouce re - bi - na)

color of the fanclub :   #ff9999   




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