Tagged by The3wishes_t3w

1. If you had to be a lifeless object for a day. What would you be? why?

      A stuffed animal to get all the love.

2. If you could expand one room in your house to twice its size, what room would it be? and why?

      I'd take out the wall between my room and the spare bedroom to have more space for activities. i.e.: Writing

3. Who would you like to meet and spend the whole day with? (Can be someone from the past.) Why?

       All five DBSK boys so that they can see each other without having to worry about anyone finding out.

4. If you had to live in another country (for forever) where would you go? If there's a reason tell me!!!! LOL. I wanna come with you.

        Italy. for the history there. I would enjoy visiting all the old buildings and places and learn all the stories and I'd never get bored.

5. What images come to your mind when you are asked about your childhood? (you can tell me if you can, since some may be too personal to be explained. I'm always here! *huggles*)

          Digging a hole underneath our shed (with my siblings without my parents knowing) to create a secret hideout. It was epic.

6. If you had a million dollars wahat would you spend it on?

       Paying off my student loans and my medical bills. Then on graduate school and a vacation.

7. Describe your dream vacation?

         Touring Europe at a slow pace (several months so I can all that I want to see!)

8. Supposing you had a child... complete this sentence, > If my child turned out to be just like ________ I'd be the happiest person on earth!

           My dad. He's a smart man and very caring. I'd be lucky.

9. What do you have handy at your bedside?

          My laptop.

10. If you had a choice to pick one person in the world from the past or present, who wouldn't die, who would it be?

          I don't think there is anyone who would want to live out of their time or longer than they had. Changing fate that way is not something I want to do.

11. For you what is 'the perfect man' or 'the perfect woman'? (No K-pop biases allowed. Tee-hee.)

          Someone with a sense of humor that will listen to my opinions without letting me boss them around all the time. I'm a confident person that is in charge most of the time. I'd like to be told what to do once in a while. That's not limited to the bedroom.


I don't have time to tagged others or make up questions. Please forgive me!


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