
I've been crying the whole of yesterday.My eyes are now swollen and my cheeks still puffy.

I know that I should just think positive with everything but I 'm really TOO TIRED with all the things that has been pressuring me for the past months.

Some may say I'm stupid for thinking too much about but thats what I am.I may appear cheerful but deep inside I'm crying so badly.

Am i destined to lead this kind of life?


I been wondering and make my free time into thinking if I do deserves to be treated like a trash by these people?

One thing I'm sure of myself,I have always tried my best to make people smile and laugh whenever they are around me even if I looked a like an idiot infront of them.

I treasure everyone that comes into my life even people like you guys whom I have yet to meet in reality but seems like EVERYONE is slowly going out of my life?

I asked myself what is my mistake?Where have I gone wrong in this relation called friendship?

Like every other human beings,I have feelings and emotion too but these people just don't seem to realize.

I'm not jealous at all with them having new friends and etc but it really breaks my heart seeing them pushing me aside after months and years of becoming friend.


I dont even care who you make friends with! All I wanna know is why am I being treated invisible even if I'm right in front of them?


Yes,I may sound stupid writing in this blog and you guise may think"y are u even crying?So stupid" 

I'm that kind of person who's willing to go extra mile just to make a friend smile and forgot their roblem even if only for a seconds/minutes/hours.


I have always been there for them but have they been there for me?

I told myself to move on  and stop thinking about this issue but what?My heart just wont listen as it's badly hurt right now :')


And with that  have come to a decision...




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I have also experienced these sort of things with some friends of mine in the need to try your best and stand on your own feet but never isolate yourself from the isnt healthy.just be friends and if they hurt you pull away.dont try to please everyone because in the end you will end up getting hurt.i hope things get better for you
khuntoriafan #2
staying away from every one is never a solution
lovegd18 #3
such a heartbreaking post. i hope you will stay strong. friends are the family we choose so i totally understand where you are coming from. it must be very painful for you but tell you what, there are a lot of other people who would want to be with you, who would like to be friends with you. you just need to pay them attention. forget those who were always busy for you. be with someone who would treasure and cherish you. someone who will always make time for you.letting go of people who matters to you is really heartbreaking but there must be a reason why it has to happen. I wish you well. Be happy~