Meet the Author (:

Hey guys! So, I thought it was time for a proper introduction since I will be posting my up my last chapter of Baby Don't Cry later tonight. Here's me: 

For those who do not know my name it is Patricia, l0l. 

so errrrrrm here it goes 

  1. I was born in Lucena City, Philippines. I moved to the United States when I was 6. 
  2. I've been living in San Diego ever since I moved here. 
  3. I was supposed to move to Canada, but I was pleading my dad not to. (I kinda regret it now because omfg KRIS) 
  4. My birthday is October 11, 1997 (: making me 16. 
  5. I'm almost 5'3 yaaaaaay~ l0l I wish I was 5'5 though. 
  6. I got into kpop by watching dramas with my grandma haha (x 
  7. I am a pretty loud, hyper person, but when you meet me I'm shy at first. So I'm pretty much the girl version of Chanyeol, kinda haha (yaaaaay, my ultimate bias!) 
  8. I love to cook and bake! When I'm bored I'll just start cooking haha 
  9. I love doing DIY's! I used to make bows, pocket tees, friendship bracelets, and now I made customized shirts when I'm bored. 
  10. I'm super lazy! I procrastinate A LOT. But when it comes to something I love to do, then I won't hesitate to do it! 
  11. I have 2 dogs, their names at Twinkle and Hachi. 
  12. When I'm bored I like to cut my hair LOL 
  13. I like to read, go online shopping, annoying people, sing really loud, and yeah 
  14. I can read hangul, but I'M SUPER SLOW, SLOWER THAN A SNAIL 
  15. I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up, if not, I'd like to be a cosmetologist! 
  16. I'm the type of person that laughs at EVERYTHING. I always find something to laugh about. 
  17. I hate my eyebrows omfggg I'm so jealous of girls with nice eyebrows. My eyebrows are uneven T^T 
  18. I hate my eyes too! One is doubled lidded and the other is like triple lidded? IDK OMG and I hate my legs too, I have too many scars -______-
  19. I love pandas and unicorn ^-^ yay Tao & Yixing! But seriously, I have a GIANT unicorn in my room and I meant GIANT. I won it at Seaworld and it's like those huge pillow pets omg. It just takes up all the space in my room. 
  20. Lastly, I love to write! I like writing poems, songs, stories, and whatever else you can write haha 

Well, that's about it. I feel like I've told you guys my life story HAHA. Anyways, I hope you guys got to know me a little bit better! I hope I don't sound annoying LOL so yeah.

Thank you for those who are supporting me on my story Baby Don't Cry! It really means a lot to me! I love you guys to much <3 


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Sony14 #1
U r officially my ebestie! Lol DIY rules!! & trolling is the best XD
im shy when i met people too yei but when im with friends im like a baby lol i laugh with everything xD
Ur so pretty~
I live in Cali too~
I wish I can go to San Diego, I'm suppose to go for my birthday in January lol
YongNa #4
I wanna be a paediatrician too!and yeah,u're pretty!trust me :)