
17th November 2013: It has been three months since I joined AFF, and two months since the posting of my first story.

I first started this as a 'spare task', something that I would engage myself with whenever I am free/bored. I did not put much effort in writing or keeping this space updated because AFF isn't really my type of thing. To be very honest, I used to think that writing fanfics is such a waste of time due to the enormous effort and time spent on writing. Looking for inspiration, editing, scripting, the list is endless. I have been reading fanfics for a good two months time before I created this account of mine. Slowly, I fell deeply and deeply in love with fanfics, to the extent that I have this strong urge to create an account so that I too, can display my writing here. Thankful enough, the series of events soon happened directly after my examinations. On the very next day after my examinations, I created an AFF account, though I did not post any story till a month later. Well, I did not have the courage to post at that point of time. My writing is mediocre, and my idea is so typically unattractive. I have no idea what struck me that time, but I am glad that I mustered my courage to take the first ever step: To post my writing. And thankful enough, I received a little tiny small love from readers and hence, prompting me to continue.

Right now, AFF is something (i would say) I can't live without. (I check my AFF every single day for more than five times a day just to check if I have any new comments. I love reading comments!) It has been a joy to write, I feel liberated and comfortable when I write. It is as though I have just disconnected from my mundane and boring life. (P.S// I am a rather boring girl who has no boyfriends before in her entire 17 years of living and only engages herself with studies, and school commitment. I rarely go out too. Socializing ain't my style. Basically, to sum everything up, I am a geek. *sobs*)

I'm thankful for whatever happened in AFF. I know, I am still lacking a lot in terms of writing and attracting readers. I know too, that my stories are not as popular/interesting as what others are. My stories don't have as many views/votes/comments as others do too. Nevertheless, I am still thankful for all my readers. Really. You guys have no idea how happy I am when I get to read sweet lovely comments by you readers, telling me how touching my stories are. :') I love the fact that my stories can make some of you tear (Not that I am a sadistic LOL) 

Hopefully, my stay in AFF continues and my writing improves as time passes. It's not a glamorous and outstanding journey here, yet a simple and pleasant one enough to make me happy. <3 ^^

Truly thankful,



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It's nice to have you here on AFF. <3
We all have our own commitments so it's alright :') your readers would understand and like what others mentioned, don't belittle your story! Because I think they are amazing too ^^v!
Proud to read your work and enjoy your stay here on AFF w your twelve little men ;)
nevertheless, i think u are an amazing writer my dear and congrates on your three month stay ^_^ hehe and keep on writing awesome stories baby ^_^.. oh and u are 17?? hehe im your unnie then :p.. and hwaiting, love :3
ExOtIc43v4 #3
Don't put yourself down!
Your stories may not get the most veiws or votes but they are still REALLY REALLLY good!
I'm proud to be a reader of your stories and dw it's only been three months! I'm sure you'll get more and more votes/ views/comments in the future!!!
And your stories are intresting okay authornim!it doesn't really matter if their not popular at least their AMAZING!!!!!!
You can't be that boring (;
Til next time, bye <3