Blue Sky Trainee (Park Jura)



applecandy-| Jessica| 8



Wanna know about me?

Character's Name: Janey Park Jura

Nicknames: Jane - Her english name.

Age: 21

Birthday: 07th July 1992

Birth place: Vancouver, Canada

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Have you lived in Korea? How long? : Yes. Jura moved to Korea when she was 16 years old and live in Korea until now.

Bloodtype: AB

Ethnicity: Korean - Canadian

Nationality: American - Her birthplace | Korean - Her hometown

Languages: Korean (Fluent) English (Fluent) Chinese (Conversational)

Who's Playing You?

First face claim: Park Sora

Links: Gallery

Back up face claim: Park Hye Min (Pony)

Links: Gallery

Height: 5ft 5in

Weight: 55kg

Style| Jura likes casual outfits. She likes to wear something that makes her feel comfortable and easy for her to move around. Apart from that, Jura is the type who likes to mix and match whatever she got but oftenly she would pull out a quirky yet stylish and suitable for her. She also put on slightly dense make-up as she always put red lipstick and orange-coloured blusher on her cheeks.

The extras: Normal ear piercings with this earring and A quote tattoo at her back.

What's she like?

Personality: Quiet, Composed, Confident, Passive, Sarcastic, Straightforward, Hot-tempered

Personality verfied: Quiet. That is the first word everybody would say when describing Jura. She is a lady of a few words as she is more to a passive type of person as she would rather listen to what people say. Even though she was labelled as the kind who doesn't talk much, she keeps herself calm and composed as usual although she admits she felt a bit shaky about that remark. Apart from that, everytime when she went on-stage, you can see the confidence and eagerness in her face whenever she performs.

Although Jura seems harmless, she is quite scary when she is angry. She is somehow known for her infamous hot-tempered attitude. When this happens, she starts to be very straight-forward and sarcastic. Whenever somebody asks for her opinion, she would say something empty which contains nothing except for sarcasm. 

Likes| Strawberry - Her favourite fruit in everything.

Brick bears - She collects them ever since she was 17.

Milk tea - She loves them especially if it's honey-flavoured.

Perfumes - She has a collection of them.

Romance - She loves anything that has romance genre (the cheesier (?) the better lol).

Music - She likes R&B, Ballad, Hip Hop and Rap genre.


Dislikes| Cockroaches - She felt disgusted by these species.

Thick Books - She felt extremely lazy as soon as she saw one (like a dictionary).

Cats - She is allergic to cats' fur that she tends to sneeze a lot afterwards.

Flavoured milk - She tends to have an upset stomach afterwards.

Bacon - She is allergic to bacon as well as she would have rashes on certain areas of her body.

Cigarettes - She hates the smell of cigarettes' smokes.


Habits| Transformed into a monster whenever she feels angry and fuming.

A blank expression on her face whenever she feels sad.

Smiles or grins whenever she feels happy or excited.


Hobbies| Nail Art - She tends to change her nail style every week (even though it's a simple ones) | 1 | 2 |

Fishing - She doesn't really know why she likes fishing a lot ._.


Those flaws...| Hot-tempered

Sarcastic - She always says 'Sarcasm is like my third language (aside from Korean and English)'

Sloppy - She always did everything in a rush.

Disorganized - She tends to dump her things in her big basket of stuff.


Phobias| Thunder - She hates them as she tends to close her ears.

Clown - She thinks they are much more scarier than funnier.


Trivia| Jura has a pet pug named Boss when she was 16 years old (the pug still lives until today).

She hates crying as she thinks it will make her look vulnerable.

She was bullied a lot during her years in Vancouver due to her mixed-blood and asian looks.

She received an award for the best academic achievements three times in-a-row during her middle school years.

She never had a boyfriend before as nobody had the courage to get close with her.

Now this is a story all about  how...

Background: Park Jura was born in Vancouver, Canada to an average family of 3 which consists of her father who was a dedicative Navy, her mother who was an extraordinary housewife and her witty older brother, Junho. Initially, Jura was not interested in performing arts stuff as she was more into academic achievements (yes, she was a geek) but she changed her mind when she went to pick up her brother from a dance school he enrolled to. Jura was mind blown when she passionately watched her brother danced energetically and flawless. Ever since then, Jura's heart began to itch as she wanted to be exactly like her brother (that she began to learn how to dance through YouTube videos).

When Jura reached 16, Junho was scouted by some YG officials and received a letter which offered him to be a dance trainer in YG (there was actually another letter before that which offered him to be a trainee in YG but due to some reasons, he politely declined the offer). Junho was far more than happy to be a trainer in YG that he didn't have time to celebrate with his friends as he went to the airport, said goodbye to his family and flew to Korea.

Later that year, Jura auditioned for SM Entertainment global live audition in Vancouver. Surprisingly, she got accepted. Initially, her parents had tried to change her mind as she was still young to make this huge decision but they stopped after they saw their daughter's eagerness and excitement that they decided to go with the flow.

Family| Father - Park Kyung Ho - 51 - Navy (Retired) - 3/5 - Strict, Stubborn, Supportive

Mother - Jessica Bloomwood - 50 - Housewife - 4/5 - Warm-hearted, Caring, Kind

Brother - Jeremy Park Jun Ho - 23 - Trainer at YG Ent. - 4/5 - Immature, Aggressive, Protective

Best Friend| Wu Yi Fan (Kris) - 23 - Idol (EXO-M) - 4/5 - Cool, Funny, Friendly - Kris is Jura's chilhood bestfriend. He met Jura when his family were invited to have a dinner at the Park's house (they lived next door to each other). Kris sat on dining table all by his own while his parents were busy helping Jura's parents. He seriously felt bored until 5-years-old Jura pulled his shirt (she was really short compared to Kris). Intially, Kris ignored her but after Jura's constant pesters towards him, he couldn't help but to play along with her in which eventually, Kris was the one who couldn't stop playing while Jura fell asleep on the couch due to exhaustion.

Seo Joo Hyun - 22 - Idol (SNSD) - 4/5 - Sweet, Elegant, Soft-spoken - Seohyun were Jura's senior when they were in high school (they went to the same high school). Both of them met when Seohyun was tasked to guide Jura for the month as she was one of the school prefect. During that month, Seohyun met Jura everyday which caused them to grow more closer to each other.

Friends| Kim Min Seok (Xiumin) - 23 - Idol - EXO-M - 3/5 - Childish, Aegyo-filled, Sweet

Oh Hee Jung - 21 - University student - OC - 3/5 - Daredevil, Cheeky, Clever

Cho Kyuhyun - 25 - Idol - Super Junior - 3/5 - Evil, Insane, Intelligent

My Love!


Love interest: Dong Young Bae (Taeyang)

Age & Birthday: 25 & 18th May 1988

Group: Big Bang

Personality: Funny, Sweet, Romantic, Restless, Hot-tempered, Stubborn

Personailty verified: Taeyang is a funny person. He knows how to joke with people no matter they are older or younger than him. He also has a good connection with kids as well as he always treats his niece, nephews and other little kids with care and affection. This man is also a sweet and romantic person whenever he is in a relationship. He is a person who tends to be faithful and loyal to his girl as she means everything to her.

But when you look at his other side, Taeyang is quite a restless person whenever he practice something. He would never stop until somebody told him to do so. Once is never enough as he is also quite stubborn. He must be told a thousand times with shouts and screams if needed, just to stop him from going overboard. But whenever he was forced to stop from practicing or from doing something else, his hot-tempered side starts to kick in. He would release all his anger by scolding other people who are brave enough to start a conversation with him.

How you guys met:

Both Taeyang and Jura met during the 07th July 2011. Yes, you guess it right. It was Jura's birthday. Junho (her brother) was supposed to bring her out as a present for her birthday. Unfortunately, Junho called Jura at the last minute, cancelling their outing. Jura hung up on him and pouted. She couldn't go back to SM at this time, so she decided to head to YG building and stay there for a while. Junho had to help Taeyang with his chereography for his solo comeback even though Taeyang stated everything is fine even without his help (he already promised to his sunbae to help him anyways, who was the chereographer for Big Bang as he was sick). After a while when Junho started to show a blank expression on his face which indicates he had ran out of ideas, Jura couldn't stand the silence any longer and put her jacket aside and began to warm up. She showed and explained her ideas to the two and luckily, Taeyang liked these ideas and including the dance moves in his chereography for his comeback. After his epic return, Taeyang thanked both the Park siblings. As he wanted to know more about Jura (since he thought it would be awkward to ask her older brother about her), he shyly asked directly at Jura for her phone number. Ever since then, Taeyang and Jura frequently hang out together with Junho being the between them.

How you act around each other:

Jura only shows her good side when she is with Taeyang. Jura tends to confess everything to him even if it's a simple matter for example, Boss ate dusts today. On the other hand, Taeyang tends to show his masculine side which oftenly cause Jura to laugh hard eventually because he still shows his awkwardness whenever Jura is around him. As he is much more older than Jura, he protects Jura just like his own little sister (even though sometimes he pretends they are more than friends). Sometimes, Taeyang even save her from ert guys by acting like her boyfriend. But due to the fact that they were both hot-tempered people, whenever they argue, it is always like fighting fire with fire. In other words, they both won't give up easily. Although intially, they are really motivated to not give up easily to each other, eventually either Taeyang or Jura (usually Taeyang) would retreat as they couldn't stand to stay away from each other for so long (their argument can go on for weeks if there are nobody who are willing to retreat).

Status: Bestfriends

Scene requests? :

1) Taeyang and Jura's movie night out without Junho's acknowledge so that the two can be together ^^

2) Jura watched Taeyang's new MV, Ringa Linga (with Taeyang sitting beside her) which cause Jura's cheeks to be more rosy as she saw Taeyang's hot body (which also cause Taeyang to smile sheepishly as he saw Jura was blushing).

The Hater!

Rival: Lee Chae Rin (CL) | 22 | 2NE1 | Rude, y, Cool | CL used to be Jura's bestfriend. They started to grew apart ever since CL started to avoide Jura for some unknown reason. Ever since then, CL treated Jura like she is something that shouldn't exist in this world. Everytime when Jura saw her and waved at her, CL would ignore Jura and roll her eyes.

On the way to the top

How was the trainee life?: Trainee life in SM Entertainment was a normal thing to her. She was one of the respected trainee for her dancing skills among all the trainees. But that was only among the trainees. Whenever she is around the trainers, she was the one who got scolded the most by them for being very sloppy and disorganized.

Trainee years: 5 years

Pre debut activites:

1) Back-up dancer for Super Junior Happy - Cooking Cooking (she was forced by Kyuhyun to wear a dress which Jura thought it was ridiculous because she lost a bet with him)

Any scandals?:

1) Jura was thought to be in a relationship with Kris when actually they were just having a late night dinner in a restaurant.

Want any scandals? If you do, suggestions?: Yes. Suggestions - Jura was seen with Xiumin, strolling at the park when actually they were sight-seeing after EXO was filming a music video for their new comeback (Xiumin brought Jura along because he wanted her to polish and correct his moves as Kai and Lay were always busy with their lives).


That's who she is

Stage Name: Jane

Persona: The Quirky Dinasour

Personal Fanclub name: Mini Juniors (Jura thought her fans as her mini Juras)

Fanclub colour: #daa520

Singing twin: Minzy of 2NE1

Rapping twin: Minzy of 2NE1

Dancing twin: Minzy of 2NE1

The extras: Her members would describe Jura as the one who wanted to break the stage into half whenever she is dancing (as she always dance energetically and have a fierce look on her face).

Social networking sites?:

Twitter: @jurasdiction | Instagram: @jurassic_park

How about the fanservice?: Sometimes, Jura would take her phone to the stage and take a picture with Blue Sky's sea of fans and she would even dance her signature dance move which makes her oppa fans go crazy (lol).

All on your own: Doing solo activities.


Are you messy or neat: Judging from my trainee years, I'm quite a messy person. /laughs

Can you cook and clean?: I clean but never cook. I would rather clean 100 toilets than cooking one dish. I don't want to talk about the last dish I cooked for my parents. /facepalms

How do you feel about roomies?: Roomies are cool like seriously. /smiles

Who would you get along with?: Everybody but not at the introductory stage because I always come out being a socially awkward person lol. /laughs

Who would you NOT get along with?: Most probably with anybody who messes with me and my members. /smirks

Any concepts you really want Blue Sky to try out?: anything really. I don't have anything in my mind at this time but don't go too overboard. It's weird. /grins


And I think that's it!

Comments!: Hope you like Jura. Oh and I'm excited for the story! Hwaiting author-nim! ^^

Scene suggestions:

1) Blue Sky went out together on an outing

(I can't think of any other suggestions. Can I add them later when I have an idea? ^^)

Song suggestions:

1) F(x) - Danger

2) F(x) - Rum Pum Pum Pum

3) Kara - Jumping

4) Wonder Girls' - Nobody

5) Wonder Girls' - Like This

6) Wonder Girls' - Be My Baby

May I make changes?: Yes, I don't really care. I mean, I do care but you can do anything to her :)

Do you like the drama and angst?: Hell yeah to spice things up. Yes ^^

Random question: Do you like the disney films?: Yes. I grew up watching them especially the little mermaid but my favourite disney character is the two bestfriends, timon and pumba. They are so cute ^^


Back to story!






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