There was a typhoon and what is happening?

I know it's kinda late sharing things about my own country. Recently, there's this super typhoon we call Yolanda (called Haiyan for all of you, foreigners) and unfortunately, it struck the mid-part of our archipelago badly. I didn't really care much about the aftermath of such natural disasters because I, myself, has always been a victim and look at me, totally in one piece, our house still complete, appliences still working and all... as if typhoons just pass by and do nothing, considering I live in the area where typhoons always hit (I HOPE NO TYPHOONS WILL HIT US THAT BADLY, JUST PLEASE). But I think it was two weeks (or a week and a half?) ago that I've seen news and literally choked and cried when I saw dead bodies everywhere, (even in cars!! and houses! What the hell! And not to mention, it was during our dinner when I saw the news, my mom had to shut the television because everyone got sad... except dad who went mad) It was a total wipe out for Samar and Leyte (and other Visayan provinces). I totally feel sorry for them.

Now, my main concern about the case and why I am writing this blog? Well I just want to rant (as usual). I know, there are a lot of help coming from all over the world and it has already greatly surmounted around billions of pesos, and as a Filipino citizen, I am so grateful of those people who donated. A lot of people in our country also started donating food, water and clothes for the victims, I too did that because it was just so--the scenario, I can't take people dying of famine. What aches my heart is that I don't feel any of those efforts and donations going to the rightful people in need. Like, seriously, where are the goods being transported? In mars?! My feelings for this case wouldn't reach its extremity if I haven't seen the news about people still complaining that they do not receive any thing from any where from who ever...and then they started stealing from storages and from their fellow victims, too. SERIOUSLY? Where did those donations go? We had this talk (orientation, actually) in 'Tulong Kabataan' wherein the topic was about, (something like) why do you think people are still complaining, stealing and stuff... The other student from Asian Center said something which was a bit harsh but then I told the kuya my thoughts in a nice way. I said that maybe, maybe, the roads to the affected areas are unaccessible and this causes a delay in the delivery of donations (which can also be a plausible reason of the delay). But hello, it's almost two weeks but the victims hardly have the things they need!!!!!!!! I wanted to go harsh, too, like blame corruption (but hehe, they will hire me thinking that I am an activist) of the government because if people around the world donate bucks of thousand dollars to the government, do you think these officials will give the full amount to the victims? HELLO!!! For someone's sake, we study accounting for something and WE ALL KNOW THAT FRAUDELENCE IS EVERYWHERE, even in the tiniest unit of the society! Who wouldn't be tempted to keep a great amount of money just like that?!! Good thing tho, UN decided to keep the donations away from the government officials (and have them sent straightaway to the victims!) That was such a great relief! 

And I heard that there was tension between our president and the mayor of the province that got hit by the typhoon Haiyan. SERSIOUSLY PEOPLE? Why blame each other? We didn't know a storm surge coming! Will you just stop complaining and blaming each other like a bunch of kindergarten kids arguing about the existence of ghosts inside one of the cubicles of the comfort room and maybe, just maybe, start helping each other out? We won't accomplish anything if there's a feud going on! Especially that a lot of people are still continuing to die (due to diseases, starvation and scarcity of drinking water!) I totally hate our system.


There. I think I've exhausted 60% of my anger hahahahaha.
Sorry for the three week pause on Felis, 5 week on Criminal and forever on The Unlucky Start. I will resume posting updates about them after ... hm.... after my fifth year in college KIDDING! I will post as soon as I can ~


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