A Blog Post From My Philippine AFF Friend

*This is a blog post from my AFF Friend

Hello everyone.
I am deeply saddened about what's happening in our country.
I don't know if you are already aware of the recent catastrophe that destructed provinces in Central Philippines.
Personally, up until now I can't do anything but cry & pray.
We cannot contact our relatives there.
It's been a week since the catastrophe happened.
It really breaks my heart to watch the people affected.
Many  lives were gone in just a day.
Some are still missing. 
It may take years in order for the people to recover.
People, can I ask a favor?
Please help them.
Relief goods & monetary help will do.
Most importantly, prayers are also needed.

Thank You.

geekogeeks 11/16/13






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The strongest typhoon on earth need the strongest people on earth -FILIPNOS <3