Thank You

You know, when I first started on this site a couple of months ago, I wasn't entirely sure where I'd end up. Sure, I had a few story ideas and a couple of random drabbles that I considered posting. I suppose it was more an experiment. "Can I really do this? What if no one finds what I have to say, what I choose to write, interesting?" 

Then comments started coming in. People started subscribing. Even the simplest "loved it!" or "update soon!" I was grateful for. I'm still appreciative of any comment I receive, good or bad. I like seeing them. Whether you're asking for an update, saying you liked it, saying you hated it, or pulling out specific problems you have with a character... I love reading it all. Your feedback lets me know whether I've snagged someone's attention with a chapter, and a lot of the time, helps me make sure I'm heading in the right direction.

My first fic, Where I Belong, was finished pretty quickly. I never intended to update it so quickly with new chapters, or to draw things to a close so fast. It just happened. I do miss updating that story sometimes. As my first published fic, it'll probably always be my favorite. 

My three current projects are keeping me busy, and I'm not updating any of them as often as I did the first. In a way, I'm relieved. Working on three fics enables me to draw each one out a little longer. Once I post a chapter for one fic, I tuck it in a compartment and pull up the ideas I've had for one of the others, and so on down the line. Sometimes I'm only able to update once a week. I've had a couple of impatient requests for updates those weeks, but I didn't want to rush it. 

One fic, A Healing Touch, has few subscribers, less than 200 views and no comments. Still I update it. It's a story idea I had and whether anyone likes the story or not, I'm going to continue posting chapters until I finish it. I suppose that one is less for all of you and more for my own pleasure. 

I got sidetracked from the point of this post.

Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for reading and commenting. I hope you continue to do all three. 


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