For Em,

hahahaah sorry em I'm getting rid of the rules and stuff and im leaving tomorrow!! omg this nervous excitement and the itinerary which i still have to make in less than twelve hours is just i dont know


anyway, lets get to it:

1. What's your views on drugs? (as in coke, ice etc)

One word: no.

Like seriously no. Please no.


2. What is the weirdest dream you've had?

Lol i pretty much have weird dreams every night! But a recent odd dream was where my english teacher became my dad, and my whole friendship group was different- with the excpetion of one, and anyway she peer pressured my into smoking! And my 'dad' caught me.... I dont know it probably wont seem that funny to you it was to my school friends though


3. How many people would you need to take over your school/uni/work place?

I dont know if I'm interpreting this in the wrong way but I guess if I could have like 3 other clones to assist me that would be nice.


4. In your own opinion what is the ideal number of members to have in a boyband/girl group?



5. How do you feel about double standards and when does it make you feel most uncomfortable?

Double standards . We need feminism!


6. Does your family make you stressed?

Nope and i think im quite lucky! :)))


7. What's your favourite quote?

"There are many things in life that will catch your eyes, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those"

-Micheal Nolan


8. How did you come to know me?

Lol like when you were a fetus. Or maybe a little later


9. Honestly what do you think of me positive or negative?

Positively negative

hehe jks luv ya heapssss


10. Which story have you come across on here whether it's your own or someone else's that you didn't expect to become so popular?

I'm note sure exactly. But i do highly recommend Summerchild. :)


11. Do you have a favourite OST whether it's from a kdrama, movie or normal movie, tv show or anime?

This requires much thought...but from the top of my head I'll just go with the Howl's Moving Castle theme- because i know it on piano!


12. Name some of your favourite authors.

I always think people who can name favourites have their lives put together because I cant say! ahah

I recently did though, finish the first book of a series by Kylie Chan. If you like fantasy- go for it :)


13. Favourite quotes?

Remember how quotes used to be up everywhere on my wall? But most of them are gone now, so for now, I'll just say

"She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come"

-Proverbs 31:25

"Forgive others not because they deserve forgivness, but because you deserve peace"

- Ronald Reagan

"Rivers know this; there is no hurry. We shall get there someday"

-Winnie the Pooh

(and basically any other Winnie the Pooh quote can make this list)


14. Share with me some of the reasons you think why you like your bias.

Only until I was putting this into words I realise this is quite shallow but oh well

He is tall. He has a deep voice. Damnit he's so yyyy


15. Name some of your favourite movies

American Beauty


She's the Man

You are the apple of my eye


16. Some of your favourite actors/actresses?

Jennifer Lawerence

Johnny Depp

Nathan Ngai ( I swear he will become super super famous one day, well i hope so)


17. Tell me about your favourite hero/heroine (you can choose a fictional one or a real one)

Well she's a mix of silly, mature but still quite niave. She's almost always happy in front of people, I guess in a way she doesnt want others to see her vulerabilities because everyone comes to her for advice. Anyway, she's still got hope for tomorrow. She hopes to fulfil her dreams and she knows she can, with persistance and hard work. One day, she can carry her family responsibilities on her shoulders and face the world with her head held high.

Guess who,


18. Pick a word you like from any language, tell us what it means, and tell us why you like it.

Ubiquitous; all around, found everywhere. I like the sound of it, though I've never used it much


19. Do you know Toothless?



20. If you were to have any kind of pet, what would it be and why.

I want a lion. But in general i love big, furry creatures, but a lion, majestic and full of pride,


21. Are you competitive?

Not an ounce I think. I hope i do become so for the appropriate situation in future, but still im fine for now


22. Name one thing that you wish you could do.

I want to flyyyyy


your questions now (finally)

1. Who is your bias?








2. What do you do in your spare time?

Since post HSC life means that i have 'spare' time like almost 24 hours i day, I either sleep, am on Tumblr, or read, or write

or in extreme rare circumstances, i am out with friends


3. Do listen to any Mando-pop or J-pop or J-rock groups/bands? If so then who?

not really? mando i guess there's Spexial? The ost songs to KO ONE 2 and 3 i guess and that is all


4. What are some animes that you have watched?

basically all the studio ghibli (how to spell) awesome stufffffff


5. What is your favourite book?

It's called The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It's a picture book, and I still always find myself crying despite reading it when i was 6 or now, when I'm 18. i guess its because in the past, I cried because the boy/man was selfish. But now, i cry because the tree is selfless, and maybe i am only beginning to perceive and understand that kind of love- that love that doesnt ask of much, or anything in return. I cry because its touching.


6. Do you live in the southern hemisphere?

Emily what, did you run out of questions


7. How many languages can you speak and which ones?

fluently- english, chinese, cantonese


8. Name 20 Pokémon.

i will proceed to google that.

It appers wikipedia may have answered your question, and even given you 31 extra answers. I get full marks now!


9. Name 2 anime/manga excluding Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, Pokémon and Totoro.

Howls Moving Castle, Spriited Away.


10.  Have ever read 'The Dreaming' by Queenie Chan?



11. How many instruments can you play and what are they?

Two; piano and ukelele (though im by no means professional in either of them sadly)


Ok i am done now! Wish me a safe flight and I will see you next year!

Merry Chistmas and Happy 2014!!




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shinyshinee #1
It was 20 animes not 2 and my friend can name like 500 pokemon without looking it up on wiki.

Have a safe flight!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2014 to you too. :P