Tagged by nekodefender

P/S: Can I not tag anyone please? XDDD

Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you have tagged them

1. How old are you?

- Probably 16732474789 months from my birth. Kidding, I'm 15.

2. What are you like when you’re by yourself?

- I'm myself? I'm very quiet.. Or I'll just sing alone. haha

3. What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear?

- I don't know..? May occur sometimes but it's not permanent x)

4. A song that clearly reflects your life at the moment.

- K.Will's You Don't Know Love. I just love the meaning, no exact common.

5.  How many piercings do you have (if any)?

- No and never. I don't even wear earrings (did, but it irritated my ears)

6.  Are you willing to die for anything?

- Let me keep this secret, 

7. Whens the last time you've been overly kind to someone?

- I've always been overly kind to everyone.

8. If you could live in any fictional universe which one would you live in?

- Harry Potter's? I can't think of anything else xD

9. A song that breaks your heart

- It depends on my mood, really. I had once cried on 0330 cause I 're-acted' the MV emotionally lol

10. What type of music genre do you listen to the most?

- Ballad? I can't consider cause I shuffle haha but I once kept You Don't Know Love replaying again and again.

11. If you get to be someone else for a day, who would you want to be?

- I don't know. I love myself.--Oh, I'd love to be a boy.

1. Define yourself.

2. Define your favourite animal.

3. Ever kissed anyone?

4. What song do you listen to right now? if you even listen to one at the moment.

5. Do you like K.Will?

6. my this is pretty random. Do you know how to cook?

7. What type of book genre you love to read?

8. How much time you spent on the internet?

9. What did you do during holiday?

10. How many hours you sleep everyday?

11. this is lame xD What do you think when you first saw my username?


tagging NeonGiraffe, _kimily, jungyeols, Ery-Lu, jintrix, Jindahlae, Kyungmi-Park, bogoshipda, Raynie1995, 97eyeliner, nekodefender


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God why am i such a lazy ? QnQ

Anyway, I'm gunna answer this now. xD