Exodus to LJ

Hi All


As you all know, what happened today got me reconsidering of keep using AFF as a site to post my story. I write wonkyu because I love them and writing about them makes me happy. But seeing what has recently happened to Serpentineslytherin, I think I will gradually move my story to LJ. One of the reason is because most wonkyu authors have moved there permanently (Serpentineslytherin, Sharl/zielddhy, Jusrecht) and those who are never at AFF to begin with (like bl4ckm4lice).

I will not deactivate this account, but i think I will not post my updates here for the time being. Maybe I will choose to do like what Jusrecht did, which is informing all of you my friends via blog and give you link. You can add me and I will gladly accept your friend rquest =D

All in all, I am very thankful to my kind readers, I am a very new autor and I am still lacking a lot but all of you keep encouraging me to write and I am really touched by that. :)

To be honest it took me quite a long time to deliberate about this since I met most of my wonkyu friends via AFF and this site is very nostalgic to me, but after what happened I feel like I should just move on to LJ. 

This is my lj link but I haven't moved my stories yet 


Thank you and keep spreading the wonkyu love 



p.s : I actually have twitter but  I post really really inappropriate tweet there (and a lot of wonkyu spazing and occasional ranting) so I don't recommend any of you to follow but if you are interested it's @marmice88





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we understand... It's sad what one person's stubbornness and dirty play can do to others =(
Maaakiki #2
you too mice ?
Let's meet in our futur life ;;;

I hope we'll get Kay's fics back .__.
ok done add me there ha my lj name menay86 thankyu love u too <3