Tagged by shutupihateyou (I love this name for some reason. HAHAHA)


rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
1. who's your ultimate bias and what moment or the very first reason why you became a fan?
Okok my ultimate bias is the one and only goddess, YOONA!!! The first moment? I don't really know when but I think it's when I was watching The Boys and I was really captivated by her rapping part. Soon I kept repeating that part over and over again. Noticing her outstanding beauty. I didn't really know how she got me, but she did. Then I watched all of her dramas and fell in love with her personality in variety shows<3
2. what would you do if you will meet your bias in real life?
What I really want to do is tell them how much they are really my rays of sunshine everyday and that they always end up making me happy. But in reality, I'd just be gawking like a fool and smiling like an idiot. I would be speechless and I wouldn't know what to say. I'd probably burst into tears out of happiness.
3. what fandom(s) are you in?
Of course I am a S<3NE and a YOONADDICT. But I am also an exotic :)
4. which idol do you hate or maybe the least one that you like? why?
I don't know. Honestly. Before it was Niel from Teen Top because he used to irk me a lot. He showed up too much in their music videos, his voice sounded too annoying for me, and his face resembled a fish. But not anymore. I guess? 
5. what would you do if your ultimate bias is in a relationship with someone you hate?
Honestly. I WOULDN'T LIKE IT. I mean, if you hate them they probably did something bad right? I want the best for my Yoong. If she really loves him. I'll be ok for a few minutes. But I will warn her and tell her that she is making a mistake. I swear, if the guy hurts my Yoong, I have a lot to do to him. I'll make sure that the last thing he'll do is be asking mercy from me. 
6. which couple do you ship the most?
GAWD. Yoonhae. Pyro 5-EVER.
7. who is the prettiest idol? the most handsome idol?
ok. Isn't it obvious? YOONA. OF COURSE. She may look simple, but she manages to look stunning at the same time. Other than my angel, it'd be Jessica because she has this chic look to her and she just looks gorgeous without trying.
A guy that I find really good looking is Donghae. He doesn't look full Korean to me and he has such beautiful eyes.. He attracts me for some reason. 
8.  if you would become another person, who would it be and why?
Yoona. Duh. 
Why? Because I want to know how her life is like, I want to know what she goes through and how hard it is for her. I know she has this sadness in her and I want to know the reason behind it. I want to understand her.
9. what's your possible dream?
I honestly don't have a possible dream because I dream too big.
10. if there's any, how about your impossible dream?
Moving to Korea. Becoming friends with Girls Generation and becoming a trainee in SM. See? Dreaming big. 
11. can we be friends now? :D
Now my questions!
1. Who is your ultimate bias? 
2. Why do you like your bias?
3. How or when did you start liking your bias?
4. If you have any, what was the first album you've ever gotten?
5.  What group were you first into?
6. Who introduced you to Kpop?
7. Who are your favourite American artists?
8. Who do you have a crush on that's the same gender as you in the kpop industry?
9. Who is your OTP or favourite couple? 
10. Do you watch Kdramas?
11. Do you like Girls Gneration~?
Tagged: shutupihateyou, pinboo, candylaura, chompster, loveyoongie8878, Cutie_yoongie, super_sone02, roodlesnamen, ichigo_fraise, LiaSweety, winterwine~


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