
So... HELLO GUYS! I have a good news (at least to me)!!! I am not going on a hiatus anymore! YAYAYAYA. *self cheer* *self clap* *self high* *self applause* As much as my school workload is killing me, a part of me is always dying to write, as though writing has become my hobby, and something that I can't possibly leave without. So yeah, here I am, announcing that I will not have a hiatus! Whooooo.

In case some of you are confused, I have previously written a blogpost stating that I will leave AFF for a few months due to school commitment. However..... I realised that it is virtually impossible to do so, given how attached I am to AFF now HAHAHHA. So yeah, I will still be writing, just that it might not be this often. Nevertheless, I will never leave AFF!! :)

I have no idea if this is actually a good or bad news to you (hahhaha).  Maybe I am the only one who is happy about me staying here. HAHAHA. Whatever it is, I am not leaving! Wheeeee! Till then, take care!! <3


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HAHAHA. Welcome back :'D While you were off and back on hiatus, I am still secretly on hiatus OTL So busy nowadays SIGH. ):