My friend died (this post is dedicated to her)

I'm not that close to her. but she's one of my friend. a couple months ago, we were still playing taptap revenge on one of my friend's ipod. A couple months ago we were still talking about a handsome senior. A couple moths ago she was running 4 KMs when she was inducted to be a part of school council.

I cried the whole day. Due to shock, sadness, lack of time, and distance, I didn't come to the burial. but maybe tomorrow I'll visit her.

I found this poem from a comic book "Best Friend Until the End" by Masafumi Miyamoto


by Yuki Miyamoto (a fictional character, she wrote this not long before her surgery and she died)

Soul is very valuable, like a battery that makes people live. But battery can run out, so as soul. Battery can easily be charged, but soul can't. Soul is a gift from god that make people stays alive for years. Without soul, people can't live. But there are some people who thinks that they don't need soul, and they wasted it. It hurts me whenever I see people wasting their lives, when actually it has to be used as well as possible. Because of that, I want to keep living until my soul dies. 


She is very smart, last year she went to Hong Kong to represent my country to compete in a mathemathics olympiad. She is still young (13 years old, just like me) she is very kind, she accompanied me because she knows that I'm not familiar with the place, and once again she is smart. She suffered from inflammation and tumor (both) on the brainstem. You've tried your best to fight the illness. we love you, but God loves you more. that's why He took you :)

She is gone, for good and forever. A good friend, aloving daughter. A smart and nice person, thankyou for all the good memories you left us with, may you rest in peace. Ladies and gentlemen, Alyssa (12 03 2000 - 10 11 2013)



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I know it's late, like very late, but I want you to know that I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry... I know it doesn't help you but I really am... It's weird that my sister was born at the same time as her, different years, and she died a week after my best friend birthday(i don't know what I would do if she would die) ...
I bet she was a great person and she is very happy that she has a friend like this,she was lucky to have a person like you next to her
Rest in peace Alyssa...