sembreak's over :(

sembreak's over! DAYUM :(( and school starts tomorrow, but then again we don't have subjects because it's INTRAMS mwahahaha.

okay so to cut this short blog shorter, we can all still talk if you need me! just follow @superabsolute my kpop twitter account (I follow back)


also! everytime a break's soon to be over, I think of this fic idea T_T  fak

I'm starting it but I won't post it till christmas break so I'm saying the idea now SO whenever someone gets the same idea, I have hard and cold evidence that I was first *cue evil laughter... or not.*

Okay, so I won't tell the deets of the whole story but the title will be:


Calm Down, Love

It will be a 2min fic (teacher-student relationship)


I had a dream about this but Taemin was me in the dream. I'll tell you my dream so you can have an idea of the fic: my crush finds out that I like him so it became a problem.. but then I meet my teacher in the cafeteria when my friend left me. and that wasthe dream :))


oh and I also have a livejournal account! I don't know how to use it though :((

dreamers never die


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