✿ ― EXOTIC CITIES ┊ Kim Jin ┊ Kim Joonmyeon


little things.

username: -exciting
name: azzalea
activity scale: 7-8

character name: kim jin
kimchi + a tease name
- jenny + her international name
- jinnie + her friends

birthday + age: August 27 + 20
ethnicity: korean-american
hometown: apgujeong, seoul
birthplace: chicago, usa

; conversational basic korean
; conversational english

ulzzang& gallery: jang chom mi *
back up ulzzang & gallery: park so ra *

style - simple casual for all occassions
height - 171 cm
weight - 55 kg
hairstyle - she likes to keep her hair flow and sometimes she ties it up in a pony tail
natural hair color - black
occassionally hair color - brown (any shade)
eye color - dark hazel
accessories - bracelets and bags




Kim Jin.


greatest love of all.

( the past {Chicago} ) - The middle child that comes from a middle class family, where her father provides the money and food for their family. Her mother is a housewife who tends to her children the most. The maknae brother is a troublemaker but because he is the maknae, they don't mind much. Saying that he is playful could be the more nicer word to describe him. Jin is the only daughter of the family which also makes her mother siding with her a bit more than the boys. Her older brother is the breadwinner of the family who helps their father a lot when it comes to finances. Often he is the man of the house when her father goes for business trips. 

( puberty {Korea} ) - Jin entered a private school and was categorized as the Social Care group by the students. Adolescence era was quite easy on Jin who had her nose in the books most of the time. She managed to create some friendships through helping the others study. She also managed to earn some money from tutoring those younger than her. That helped financially. Though, Jin has had many mental sufferings as she rarely opened up to others, friends from the private school aren't exactly what Jin defines as 'best friend-material'. Her father sent her for counseling sessions every week and that had helped her bit by bit. 

( present {Korea} ) - Her eldest brother got himself married and that gave good news to the whole family. Her sister-in-law was also a kind person who was able to fit in with the family easily. Her eldest brother and his wife lives with them in their home which the brother bought. Her youner brother was accepted to become a patissier at one of the most famous bakeries in Korea. Jin, on the other hand, had just got herself accepted in a University.

( easy-going, a bit shy, objective ) - A girl who only approaches a stranger if she really needs to otherwise she wouldn't talk at all. She is one who wants other people to start the conversation first and that would be an automatic comfort zone for her. Jin is someone who likes to go out and have fun. She doesn't mind having new friends even if she's a bit shy. She finds it a bit more comfortable when people call her by the name, or one of her nicknames {but not kimchi}, and she would do the same by calling the name or nickname of that person as well. Jin is often a listening ear to those around her because those who know her knows that she judges things objectively. She gives out her opinions if you want her to and she wouldn't bend it unless she thinks that she needs to. All in all, she is quite mature at times.

( hot-tempered, slightly clingy, sensitive ) - This shy girl has a short fuse and is easily annoyed. Though, don't worry too much because she would only burst when she really can't take it anymore. She would only talk back if you've been saying bad things about her. But there some situations where she gets a bit violent, though these are rare because she herself knows that her physical actions are very weak. Jin is also a clingy person when it comes to people who approach her and are able to stay with the friendship. She would get a bit jealous when she sees her friends with others but she tries her best not to show it. She would also do a bit of aegyo to get what she wants from others and is often seen as the maknae in her group of friends when they go out. Her sensitivity is much more reachable than her temper. She is easily affected by rejections and would be in a down mood all day long. Though, there are certain rejections that would make her understand that person's descision and try to keep on a smile. To summarise, you need to take good care of her.

; mocha frap
; ballads
; fashion
; geography and history
; landscape photos
; palette colors
; starbucks
; horses and dolphins
; romance and fantasy novels
; romcom films
; romance, school and supernatural dramas
; sling bags
; pastries

; latte
; pure rock music
; ghost stories
; being called kimchi
; alcohol
; pork
; holding a lot of money
; being left alone
; bulldogs
; people touching her shoulders, ears, neck and sides
; being a multifandom fan
; exercising
; bugs
; heights
; clubs 

; biting her lip + when she is contemplating
; a nap + to get rid of her sad mood
; biting her nails + when she's nervous
; taking a deep breath + when she's annoyed or tired
; trash-talk (profanity) + when she bursts
; listening to music when she is in the shower or alone + helps her feel secure
; sitting cross-legged + a habit she had when she was young
; looking down to the floor + when she is sad

; riding horses
; photography
; playing guitar
; sleeping
; watching television
; reading books
; flipping through encyclopedias 
; listening / watching legends or tall tales
; watching dramas
; writing stories

; AB blood group
; she has an addiction of watching sad moments of dramas
; addicted to chocolate
; has driving license
; has a pet horse named Suho (guardian)
; allergic to dust
; is easily sick
; easily bored
; has a tendency of walking side by side someone she is close with or likes
; has a tendency of walking behind or far behind when she's in a sad mood
; is a multifandom fan ( she accepts all groups music )
; wants to work with technology
; favorite anime - Shingeki no kyojin / attack on titan
; has never been to a concert or fanmeeting
; picky with her food
; ticklish of her neck, ear and sides
; fractured her shoulders due to a riding accident
; her shoulders sometimes hurt when one applies too much force on it
; cannot sing or dance
; is smart
; coffee has no affect on her
; she sleeps late to wake up early
; listens to piano and guitar covers
; wishes for a pet squirrel
; she is afraid of storms (specifically lightning)
; twitter - @J_Jin // instagram - @jinniegirl 


Dongguk University + haven't graduated (2nd year) + Social Science

When and how she met EXO: 
I think it was last year. I was coming back from a family trip to Jeju Island. My family went off first because I headed off to the washroom. I exited the washroom and walked to the exit but got caught up with a large crowd of fangirls following them. I didn't know it was EXO then because I was too busy worrying about my family. I ended up walking beside these tall boys and I thought they were 1 Direction because I heard that the Western people are very tall. So I ignored and had music blasting into my ears through my earphones. Once I was outside, there were less people but still too many to my liking and I spotted a black car. It looked pretty similar to my car so I just went to it and opened the door, not even looking at the number plate. When I opened it, I saw that it was not my family and it was actually EXO, the group everyone was talking about. I was surprised and bowed my head as an apology before quickly shutting the door and calling my parents to ask where they were. In the end I found them, situated a bit further up from EXO's car. 

Why she came to the show: 
You want to be honest? I heard that the girls chosen would be able to take a trip overseas and I wanted that. All expense paid I believe, which means my family won't have to spend a thing. I've always wanted to go overseas because from the Internet, the world looked so adventurous and I wanted to have one. An adventure. Getting to go with the boys is just like a bonus, but I'm mainly here for the trip. 

Her reaction when she met the EXO member that would go on the trip with her:  
When I met him? I couldn't stop smiling because he's my bias. Of course the other girls would squeal and such but I was kinda shy and so a smile was all I could manage. My sister-in-law would be jealous because she also likes EXO and the thought of me being able to go on a trip with them is just unthinkable for her. 




Kim Joonmyeon.

love interest: kim joonmyeon & exo-k


( Suho ) - Joonmyeon was entrusted with the beings of 11 other humans who had the same dream he did, therefore he posses a leadership that none of those older than him (in the group) had. He is trustworthy and cares for all the members. Some a bit more than others. He would call in for meetings to secure their relationship because all humans have emotions. He is generous with his money, he believes that it's his job to take charge and acknowledge the members' hard work when others wouldn't. 

( Joonmyeon ) - Being a guardian and being entrusted is stressful to him. This has made Joonmyeon slightly closed up of his feelings, because he has this perspective of 'I am the hyung.' in which that means he needs to be strong for the other members. He keeps his regrets bottled up and often takes it out by scolding the members at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then, he would feel guilty and end up shutting himself out from the members for a few hours. He also full of himself and likes to goof off a lot. He is innocent and naive, making him easily bullied by the members. But even with that, he is able to hold on a smile and laugh it off. 

how you act around each other:
Jin is slightly shy with Joonmyeon and that's when he realizes her trait. Joonmyeon started their relationship with light conversation like where did she live and such. From there, Jin starts to get excited at talking with the leader. She finds him easy to talk to, a very oppa-like aura floats around him. They act like colleagues at times with the amount of knowledge that they know. Jin likes to test Joonmyeon's knowledge by giving him quizzes every now and then. Joonmyeon is quite protective over Jin and tends to have her close to him.

It would be Jin first to indicate any skinship if necessary because she is clingy. Joonmyeon would call her kimchi every now and then and Jin would call him grampa. A nickname that the fans had created. Though would apologize once their teasing session is over. Joonmyeon is cautious around Jin after he finds out that she's sensitive and Jin slowly gets rid of her shyness. Jin manages to get Joonmyeon to open up during the trip and so does Joonmyeon to Jin. From there, the relationship develops deeper.

( habits )
; taking a pause when he speaks
; clearing his throat by saying 'Ah!' 
; walking next to Jin
; smiling when others
; wrapping up when it gets too cold
; goofing off
; trying to get screen time
; pokes Jin's side to lightly

( hobbies ) 
; playing golf
; reading
; singing

( Jin's pet peeves about EXO ) 
; how Chen by playing words and glance at her. - kimjinkimchi
; how they walk really fast at times - she can't keep up
; how Suho does aegyo - he can't do them 
; the way Suho pokes her ticklish sides to get her do what he wants
; when Suho spends a lot of money on her
; when Suho won't tell her his problems 

( Jin's likes about Joonmyeon )
; he's always there for her to talk to
; the oppa aura around him
; the way he takes caution when speaking to her
; when he responds positively to her
; Joonmyeon knows what to do in situations
; how he talks with her - gentle and inviting. 

( couple moments ) 
; they walk hand in hand when comfortable
; they take selcas a lot
; being shipped together with the name JJ 
; they get couple Ts 




Zhang Yixing.

love interest: zhang yxing & exo-m

( Zhang Yixing ) - A forgetful man who makes other people doubt him a lot. Though it's only because he has a short-term memory for most things. Yixing is someone who is quite sensitive and his emotions would be shown through his tone of speaking. He holds a calming aura that would ease your heart the moment he is in your presence. Despite not being able to give opinions, Yixing is willing to give his listening ear and his shoulder to cry on. He would always just be there. Yixing is one who is innocent and quite the goody-two-shoes. He cannot do anything that is not in his power to do, nor give an opinion to it. He's a child that way. 

( Lay ) - He is one of the main dancers in EXO which means he practises everyday. Though, sometimes he tends to overwork himself and also injures himself. Despite his injuries, he refuses to stay still in one place and therefore you can't tell if he is injured until you see him limping or groaning. An idol who loves his fans, Yixing provides most of the fanservice in the group with his waves and smiles. He is quite mature when it comes to answering questions about love, knowing his rookie status in the company. 

how you act around each other:
As always, Jin is shy around people and Yixing is no exception. Though, Yixing's calming presence and aura makes Jin talk to him first rather than Yixing starting the conversation. Jin befriended his Lay personality first before Yixing showed her his true dorky self. With the Lay personality, Jin is able to gain knowledge of how EXO truly acts as. Jin sometimes ask him his opinions of the things that they are about to purchase. He gives good reasons on buying although sometimes Jin doesn't understand them.

Once Yixing was comfortable with Jin, his dorky true self would be revealed. Jin is quite cautious with this side of Yixing because sometimes he surprises her and she doesn't know how to react to him. Yixing would be the first one to indicate any skinship necesscary. Jin feels as if she is a noona when she is with Yixing despite their real age. She would always have this feeling that she needs to watch over him. Though, of course there are times when Yixing is the oppa and she is the dongsaeng.

( habits ) 
; giving exaggerated reactions
; being honest
; biting his lips
; asking Jin if she is alright when her behavior changes slightly 
; dancing to the beat

( hobbies ) 
; playing piano
; dancing
; cooking or baking

( Jin's pet peeves ) 
; when Yixing slips and hurts himself
; when Yixing isn't paying attention
; when Yixing puts others before himself

( Jin's likes about Yixing ) 
; how calming he seems
; how playful he is
; when he starts the skinship
; when he cooks for her

( couple moments ) 
; they walk with their pointer and middle finger laced together
; they take selcas a lot
; being shipped YiJin
; they get couple necklaces 



take me there.




Name of the city: London
did she ever went to that place?
no, her family couldn't afford

what was her first impression of the city?
Beautifully elegant. It was more than she had imagined 

does she want to comeback?

Yes, but maybe next time with her family as well. 

most memorable moment she lived there:
A coffee date with the guy while watching the night view of the destination

comments: A pretty layout. I envy you! Also, sorry if it was really long! Just wanted to give you a lot of details. But I hope most are usable.
drama -  sorry, I'm a drama lover.
love bloom - you know during the trip.
sadness - like a death.
a cute moment - where the guys protect the girls or bickering with them
romance - dates setting with ballads
panic moment - when the guy gives Jin flowers and she starts sneezing uncontrollably or starts itching and shutting herself from them. 



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