Breaking news, guys.


American pop can actually have some good songs and not all be about , drugs, or money.

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while guys! It’s finals week for me, so that’s a fun time! T_T  Disclaimer: I do not own any contents of this video, I just made this gif.


Fans have been pissing me off after the release of Troublemaker's "Now" And after Girls' Generation won the Youtube Music Award for Video of the Year.

So Bieber and One Direction fans are mad about their idol not winning the award. Just let them be upset on their own. I don't care if they're bashing your SNSD unnies' video, just leave them alone. You are already conviced that Girls' Generation is superior in terms of talent and hard work, and if Beliebers and Directioners don't want to be convinced, don't convince them. It's just a waste of time, and if they prefer another artist more than Girls' Generation, let them.

I've also read some comments on the video of "Now" (the uncut version, obviously) about how some fans were worried about K-pop becoming more "ualized" like American pop.


Yeah, Hyunseung and Hyuna were a little bit more intimate in the video than in most K-pop videos. Well, so? Guess what, fans: that portrayed adult relationships so much more accurately than the puppy love you're used to getting. You can't expect people in their 20s to keep pulling out the aegyo card all the damn time.

And yes, over here in America, we've got Miley swinging on a ball. Well, so? She's got some balls to do that in her video, and you people need to stop hating on her for it because while she didn't go through extensive training to become a star like K-pop idols did, she's done more in her life than all of you who keep gawking at your beloved oppar.

And lastly, just please stop saying that K-pop is better than American pop because of reasons I mentioned above.

Do you know what has been the number one song in America for six weeks now? It's "Royals" by Lorde (my queen), and if you haven't heard it yet, I suggest you check it out because it really is a fantastic song. Do you know what the song criticizes? The luxury that all the superstars flaunt about in their songs and how she's much happier living without it. Sounds a little bit like some of your complaints. It's not even that heavily produced either, all it has is a nice bass drum, some snapping, and some really nice harmonization. You see, guys? America really can make some decent music.

And you guys have absolutely no idea how big of an influence American pop is for K-pop. Where do you think they got dubstep from? Africa?


That's basically all I have to say on this topic. Sorry if I came off as rude or y in this blog post, I just really needed to get my thoughts out. Seriously though, some of you fans out there really need to be a little more open-minded. If a song about getting high does show up on your Top 40 radio or some idiot talks about your bias, just ignore it. It ain't the end of the world if it happens.

As for me, it seems as if K-pop has been going downhill while American pop has been spot on. I keep on finding myself being disappointed on almost every single comeback that has been released these last two to three months. The only comebacks I've come to like or tolerate is Taeyang's "Ringa Linga" and T-ara's "Number Nine". G-Dragon's solo album wasn't bad either. And I must be the only person in the world who didn't enjoy "Everybody" by SHINee at all. It's actually probably my least favorite song by them. That's right, I said it.


That felt good to get off my chest. Now please don't hunt me down and murder me. /scurries away  


gif credit to david-somuchlovin@tumblr


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Just going to put this out there but Lorde is from New Zealand, not America, so technically it's New Zealand pop music that got big in America.

And the fans you're ranting on are the immature fans that don't understand stuff like that. There are people like this in every fandom and the best thing to do is ignore them and let them mature, because in a year or two they'll end up realizing how dumb they were for being that way.

Though, if we're talking about good comebacks this year, Infinite's Destiny was good (Version A of the video probably would have gotten them more awards, but the song screams Infinite but is trendy as well, which is great because most groups don't have a unique sound and Infinite has been consistent with having one for a while being able to bring new stuff to the table and the choreo for this song is great), Miss A's recent comeback is great (I've had their album on repeat for hours now, so definitely check what they just put out, because its good), 9Muses was good too, Jin's debut (Woollim artist) is good as well, BTS have had strong debuts/comebacks (for a rookie group, these guys have amazing stage presence), and Jaejoong just had a good comeback this year. (Though, usually my tastes run towards bands that have slight rock roots in their songs or 80's pop in them.)

Plus, there is always Epik High's comeback to be excited about, don't know exact dates, but it'll probably happen before the end of year. Then there is also EXO, who may or may not surprise people again with their music for their comeback in November.