Tagged By B2stFan3 (2)


1. What is your favorite kpop song?

Anything from Bangtan is my favorite. Seriously all of their song is pure awesomeness!

2. Describe me in one word.


3. How many people are you messaging?

I have around 14, but only 3-6 that are messaging me back and forth.

4. What do you think first at a buffet?

Free foooooood~

5. Should I make a soundcloud account?

If you want to, sure? :D

6. What is the weather outside?

Right now, it's cold and the sky is clear. The world had turn white because of the snow that had been pouring yesterday night. 

7. Have you watched the Nyan Cat before?

Nope. Haven't heard of it :/

8. Do you watch DavidSoComedy?


9. What do you think I look like? ( Hint: I have hair up to around my rib-cage )

Pretty ^^

10. Do you have moles ( or beauty marks ) on your ears?

My ears? I don't think I have any.

11. Have you ever been on a date before?

No, not really interested either. I don't know why..


Wanted to update this earlier , but completely forgot. I won't be tagging or asking questions, I'm just not good with them. 


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