11 Questions tagged by Ayumina



rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1. Your bias?

Kai from exo

2. Do you like BoyxBoy fanfics?

they're okay 

3. Are you a writer?


4. Cats or dogs?


5. Do your friends know that you like Kpop?

Yep I can't hide the fact I do

6. What is your parents' opinion about Kpop?

My dad doesn't like it but my mum does

7. SM's best dancer?


8. What is your biggest dream?

Meet Exo and SNSD

9. Would you want to meet me IRL?


10. What do you do when you're bored?

Listen to music 

11. Favorite movie?

I can't pick one ://

Jailhouse Rock (yes the really old 1950s movie) and Aladdin 


I tag anyone who sees this!! 


1. Who's you're favourite k-pop solo singer?

2. What's your favourite colour?

3. What's your favourite fanfic?

4. What's your OTP

5. What's your favourite animal?

6. What's your favourite non-k-pop band?

7. Favourite K-pop song?

8. What place in the world do you want to visit?

9. Favourite male band?

10. Favourite female band?

11. favourite TV show?


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