Infinite World Tour LA Nokia Theatre

/creis a river TT.TT WHY?!?! /bawling OTL

Today in LA Infinite was holding their concert for their 2013 World Tour. 

As you can tell I was unable to go due to some circumstances one being school and one being broke from paying for my new phone... ;AA;

Anyone want to cry in a corner with me?

My friends were able to be less than one hundred feet away from Infinite and one friend was able to gain access backstage along with a one on one meeting with them because of her many connections. She'll be able to talk with them and get autographs and selcas and just asdfghjkl I would've been happy to even just say hi XD

/sighs life is definitely unfair.. Now I'll go and save for an SmTown or something /hoping EXO has world tour ^^

This has been the depressing story of my life =.=;; Thank you for listening /shot




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its not only you, i am too. I didn't come to see them here in the philippines, one is because of my work and then two and the last was I didn't know that they were going here so i didn't get to save some...