
I really really need help to understand all this pg-13, pg-17, and so on.

what does the different ratings stands for?

and what exactly is AU?


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Evil_Keshi #1
AU is Alternative universe, that's when you place the characters of your story in a different world (like Heroic fantasy) or a different situation (like, SHINee aren't singers but students, policemen or stuff like that).

No rating is fine for a story without any scene, without violent scene or highly depressing topics. It is mostly for sweet, fluffy love stories.

Pg-13 means that the topic can be a bit ual or violent (nothing very graphic though... You just hint at a ual relation, for example)

Pg-17 means that the story contains very explicit scenes, violent scenes (, beating, self-harm, bloody fights, and so on) and that it can be shocking for young/innocent/sensitive people ^^

I hope I helped you ;)
That is a very good question.... O___o