So like... Genre terms...

Like, I read a lot of fanfiction. Like, a lot. But I really don't know what the genres mean!


I know the typical angst, , comedy, etc etc. But those are only shortened and summarized definitions.

What I would like some people to help me with is to explain these terms, please!! Like, I'm really clueless.

Angst, Drama, Romance, Crack, AU...


And if you guys read lotsa and know the terms, that would be helpful too.

Roleplay, Breathplay, Dubcon, Voyeurism. 


I get clueless and I don't know what they mean, but I would like to know so I know what I'm getting myself into when reading fanfics, u kno?

side note tao should never dance ever again omfg datcrotchthoooo


thanks to the people who have helped me with these terms so far ^^


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-hotchocolate #1
Roleplay is where people will pretend their someone else during . So think of a couple pretending to be doctor/patient and then acting as that role, but involving y times.
Breathplay is where one will use their mouth to breathe on another person's body where they're sensitive (usually their private parts).
Dubcon is basically borderline non-consensual where one party is confused or does not know if they want to have , while the other one will usually use coercion methods to get them to have .
Voyeurism is where a third party is watching someone/people partake in y times.
Try searching google for fiction genres or use an online dictionary.
AU is alternate universe :D
Eunhae123689 #4
CRACK is just random funny stuff