Tagged by freeXfall

Rules: Answer the 11 questions, make 11 new ones, tag 11 people, post the rules.

Since I've already tagged people once can I be excused? *puppy eyes*

Here you go! ^_^

what was the last book you read?

Oh gosh...the last book that I read all the way through was...I think it was a Terry Prattchet book? Maybe? I can't remember....I used to be a really avid reader but I kinda fell out of practice once I started college. The last book I started was Inheritance (the last book in the Eragon series.)


do you have any phobias?

Yes. Spiders and I have an odd fear (maybe no really a phobia) of zombies. XD


who is your kpop otp (and why do you love them so much?)

Honestly I don't know...I really don't. But I do love any Suho pairing.


favourite season of the year? 

Winter and fall. Mainly fall though.


favourite kpop song right now?
Right now...? I think Baby Don't Cry.

favourite kpop song ever? - I know this is a hard one, sorry guys!

FOBfbnehaehwio!! It's too hard!! >.< I'll just go with the most nostalgic one for me...? MAMA since it was the first song to really bring me into the world of k-pop.

have you ever seen a kpop group live?

Sadly no. I am broke and they never are around where i live...sort of. I could get there fairly easily but it would cost many more monies than I have. T_T


do you remember your dreams?

Like, night time dreams? Yup. Vividly sometimes. I tend to have very elaborate dreams with story lines, character development, and plot twists. I also have some reoccurring dreams with an ongoing story line.


tea or hot chocolate?

That's a hard one...right now it's hot chocolate. It makes me feel safer than tea.


your favorite thing about yourself?

...that's an interesting question. I've never really thought about it. Physically I like that I have long legs, personality wise (I feel like I'm being vain here XD) I like that I always try to be nice to people and go out of my way to help them. I like to put others first.


are you excited for 2014?

It really depends on what happens in the next month or so. If I'm being optimistic than yes. If I'm being a pessimist, than no.


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