What k-pop song should I do with my friend for the talent show?

Well we don't know what song to pick since we like a lot of the songs.
We don't want any songs like alone by sister since we have lots of sick minded people at our school.
We want songs that r catchy that makes u want to dance to and that looks cool.
(PS: Its an remix. We are doing I Got A Boy-Girls Generation, NalinA - Block B, Muzik - 4Minutes, Growl-EXO, Wow - BTOB and Amigo-SHINee. but we're not sure if we should to these one or not. Should I replace the songs for a different song ) 


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I like BtoB's Wow, but I love Shinee too, but Replay, not Amigo.
Growl by EXO! It's so cool :>