game tag 2.0

Tagged by: vLaD1094

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
the thug life chose me, hence ^
1. When is your future behind? (no, there's nothing wrong with the question..when will it be behind like how past is)
- The first thing that came up was my own behind. So that says a lot about me and the future. I don't quite understand this ?_?

2. What's your biggest fear? 

- Stuck in the middle of the ocean. Stuck in space and nothing to tie you down (gravity movie). And zombies. I hate zombies. 

3. What's your greatest dream?

- Open up a magazine on travelling and get the community to write more. And to have a fulfilling life.

4. What made you like/love SNSD?

- Their legs. Their faces.   Their personalities (crazies)  Mostly, because.. how they are when they are together. Their relationship with each other. Because you know, OT9 is as real as.. Science. (lol)

5. When was your first kiss and who was it?

- 13. Some boy I don't even remember who anymore.

6. Construct a sentence that would describe you with 9 words only.

- A girl who can't write in nine words only. 

7. Have you ever seen one (or more) of the Soshi members in person? Who?

- Yes. Jessica. 

8. Who's your celebrity look-a-like? (it can be an animated character too)

- Hmm. My friend says Michelle Phan.

9. If you were to choose between 100M dollars and SNSD, which one would you choose and why?

- 100M dollars, duh. I could use that money to see SNSD too. Go to every concert of theirs. Then travel around.

10. How would you describe a rainbow to someone who's blind?

- Nothing but a trick of colour white. And passed light through it. Nah.. I'll be like "You're blind. Rainbow and you are the same. Shouldn't be degraded any less just because you're blind or rainbow. Rainbow = gay." - I'm lame as hell. 

11. If you knew that you're going to die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

- Have s*x and the best org*sm. HAHAAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA Just kidding. Half-kidding. Not kidding at all. I'll say goodbye to everyone and get all lovey dovey on them. Without actually telling them I'm going to die. As for the person I love, (read the first sentence) and memorize every curve of her/his face, body. Then.. read a few books, write on facebook 'Going to heaven or hell for realzzz. See ya when I see ya.". And sleep. 



*What the.. This was listed as M rated. 


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hahaha! wth did I just read >///<