My Special Day

it's my birthday tomorrow and I don't think there's something special about it :'(

I don't know what I'm saying but recently i always feels so sad and I don't know why IDK what I'm feeling, I can't understand myself anymore

eventhough I smile and laugh a lot,, there's this feeling inside me that wanted to cry out loud,,


>sigh< I Don't Know what to do anymore


p.s BEAR with me guys, this is the only place where I can confide my feelings


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I also had those days wherein i feel like everything is working well but why do i have a heavy heart? you know what id do? id usually re-read all those fics that make me cry just so i can cry and out of those times id be having my own realizations and in some way or another i start to get connected w/ myself again... but then it could also be that there are some things you need to work out w/in you... another thing that i do is i try to backtrack by asking why... like why do i feel this way? then when i get the answer id ask another why like why did that reason made me feel the way i felt, then another why until i get to the root cause of the problem... sometimes you do it that way cause we as humans often cover up our emotions that later on it piles up and you already lose the main reason that started it all, it then becomes a disease that would eat you up later... you know the saying that says, do not sleep on an issue or a problem or resolve a problem before sundown or something to that effect... hehehe... well yeah... i really don't know if im making sense ^^

Happy birthday! I also had mine last Nov. 3 and well i stopped expecting awesome things to happen (in all occasion in fact, that's how disillusioned i am or rather im just practical..bwahahaha) since time immemorial... (but then that's me!)What i meant is we can make everyday our birthday if we want to... appreciating the little things in life and taking it as a gift is one sure way of getting contented and happy... but what matters most is you get to really understand and know yourself better because in the end it would all be about you... what you feel and what makes you happy... HENGSHO! you'll be alright....
You share same birthday with Kris?! 6 November?! OMG,SO LUCKY OF YOU! ><' Well,it's normal if you feel like that,sometimes I feel the same way as you when it comes to my birthday. But,later you will feel better,maybe there's something good behind all of that,right? :D Don't worry,try to calm yourself,talk to someone you trust like your parents or best friend? Maybe you will feel ease after confessing with them? :D Pray to God nothing bad will happen or something bad news. It's just my opinion. ^^' Hope you feel better! Cheer up!