Tagged By B2stFan3

You all know the rules so yeah! (^^)


1. What do you think of me? ( I know, I ask this ALL the time, but I just wanna know, OKIE? )


2. What is the outside world look right now?

Dark, cold, rainy,wet

3. What is your thoughts on gay/lesbian rights?

I think they're fine. No different in different couples, it's just that they're the same gender.

4. What is your thoughts on putting labels on processed food?

I don't know

5. Should I do a post on the "putting labels on our processed food", on what I think about it?

It depends on you

6. Are your nails painted right now? What do they look like?

Yes, and they are dakish color of purple with little sparkles

7. Should I curl my hair without heat tomorrow?

I don't know

8. Has a guy ever put something that was yours in his pockets and said something like,"Reach for it." Or "You gonna reach for it now?"

No, but some of my friends had and they would say "Keep it!", tell a teacher, or actually take it out! XD

9. Do you love buffets?


10. What do you think is better, being over-weight, or underweight?

It would depend on the person, but in the middle is just fine

11. Do you want to see my face?

I don't know

My Questions-

1. Do you like to eat (a lot)?

2. Are you a personfecionist? (Like if you got an A, but it's not 100% or higher, would you still get upset?)

3. Who is your bias, and why he/she/they are your bias?

4. Do your siblings/ anyone else annoy you?

5. What got you into kpop?

6. Are you in more than 1 fandom? If so, name them by how much you like them

7. Name your top 5 idol groups

8. Name your top 5 bias

9. Name your top 5 kpop couples (Can be also / yuri) 

10. Name your top 5 korean tv shows

11. Would you marry an asian?




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