Tagged by deer-of-dawn and thecafewriter

hello to everyone who's currently reading this!

so you see, this tagging-your-friend-and-tell-them-to-answer-your-questions-and-make-11-new-ones-and-tag-another-11-people-in-asianfanfics game is sort of a trend lately and i was tagged by 2 amazing persons who joined this tagging game while i'm honestly too lazy to follow the rules but these 2 persons are 2 of my most favorite authors alive and they made me happy with their works so at least i should pay them back by answering their questions--which is actually uneven for them--but well, here it goes:


(i'm just going to answer their questions and i'm not posting the rules because i'm too lazy to make 11 new questions and tag another 11 people but you have to understand my laziness SO DON'T BE MAD AT ME OK)


from my dearest bambi unnie, a.k.a deer-of-dawn,


1. Your family members are?

-- my dad, my mom, myself, and my 12 years old little sister

2. Your favorite food?

-- it's got to be my mom's homemade seasoned fried chicken or fettucini with milk sauce

3. Your favorite band and member?

--  the band starts from E and ends with O. the member starts from S and ends with N (okay why am i making questions out of questions? /judges self/

4. Your favorite holiday?

-- the time period between the last day of my national exam and the first day of my freshman year \(^o^)/

5. What do you like to do during your spare time?

-- lazying around, watching NCIS on FOX, cooking, watching exo videos on youtube...and i guess that's it

6. On a scale of 1-Luhan, 1 being the least and Luhan being the most, how much do you like me?

-- luhan luhan luhan luhan luhan luhan luhan

7. On a scale of 1-Luhan, 1 being the least and Luhan being the most, how much do you like Luhan?

-- 1 (LOL JK) LU HAN!!

8. Your favorite ship?


9. Your favorite fanfic? (be honest here baby)

-- i...have so much fanfics i really like and i don't have one being my favorite... so i'll just list the fanfics ok:

1) CRI Academy by deer-of-dawn

2) The Siren's Cry by thecafewriter

3) Cakes Redux by thecafewriter

4) My Bodyguard Princess by Goddess

5) The Kungfu Queen by Goddess

6) That Empty Bus Seat by fan-atic

7) ...and a lot more

10. Most evil dream/scheme/plan you ever had.

-- to kidnap sehun and luhan and lock them in my room and force them to be my brothers

11. This is more of a statement than a question but, you're beautiful and I love you. <3

-- aww unnie >< you're also beautiful and i love you too<333


from my dearest emma unnie a.k.a thecafewriter,


1. What's your favorite fanfic? Like, recommend a good one to me.

-- I don't think I should recommend your own fanfics to yourself because they're also my favorites :D so here's a list of my favorite babies from other authors:

1) CRI Academy by deer-of-dawn

2) My Bodyguard Princess by Goddess

3) The Kungfu Queen by Goddess

4) That Empty Bus Seat by fan-atic


2. If you had a whole day to spend with your bias (name him/her) what would you do?

-- If I had a whole day to spend with Sehun...... I'll just make sure he remembers me as a fan who supports him in a proper way, a way he likes, and if he don't mind sharing his number, i would ask him for it ><


3. How do you manage stress?

-- I'm not really good at managing stress because I easily got too emotional and I'll start crying all of a sudden, thinking of how much of a burden I am to myself and people around me. But I guess I somewhat have a way to prevent and relieve stress for myself (I guess it'll work for you too), First, if things started to get hard, take a deep breath, hold it in your stomach and breath out after a few seconds, Second, try to think of someone, any person in this big world, who somehow isn't so lucky to have what you have. People with disability, people who begs for money just to get a grain of rice to eat, and many more. They obviously had so much more problems than us so who are we to complain? Third, always think that of you do something right, there's always a way out no matter how hard it is :D


4. What's the story behind how you got into K-pop?

-- it was about 3 years ago when my friend showed me a video of a boyband she really wanted me to see, the video was Sorry Sorry by Super Junior music video and I thought 'yea, they're cool' and I started to browse some information about them on the internet. My first bias was kyuhyun because he really caught me in the MV so I became an ELF after sometime and I started to like other groups too, such as, SHINee, SNSD, B2ST, and many more. And in 2012, SM released a video of a tan guy coming out from a luxurious car with EXO TEASER 1_KAI as the title and I found out SM is debuting a new boyband named EXO and BOOM --story ends here, believe me you don't want to hear my story about those 12 giants--


5. What's the nicest thing that someone has done for you?

-- I don't really remember all the nice things done by anyone to me but I have many wonderful person in my life and all I can do is thank them for every nice thing they have done to me.


6. If you could have an unlimited amount of anything, what would you have?

-- time. nuff said.


7. What's your favorite day of the week and why?

-- friday! because it's the day before saturday and saturday is the start of my weekend :DD


8. What's your favorite type of food?

-- anything my tongue approves


9. What's something that you're good at?

-- err... making my friends laugh?  o.O


10. What's your OTP? Tell me a short story about them.

-- H-U-N-H-A-N!! they're just so adorable together like they're two cats with fluffy hair whom I want to adopt since forever >< and and when they're interacting I was like asdkgafjgsfhfgajg and my feels just sprawled all over the floor and and and--WHOOP I have to stop T__T (by the way, I don't see them romantically as an OTP but more of a... uhm... strong friendship between them)


11. What does your name mean?

-- My full name has 3 words and if I'm not wrong, they mean, Lucky, Leader, and the last one came from a name of a queen.




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