Tagged by shawolistic and Ryukai

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

Questions by shawolistic-

1.) How would you react if one morning you woke up to see your bias dead?

I'd be extremely sad. I'd probably cry. Maybe because the industry and my bias, for that matter, have played very important roles in my life. But then, there's nothing else I can do other than move on, right?

2.) Do you write for yourself or for the readers? Why?

I write for myself. I find it a way to express myself. Yes, I do write for the readers at times, but, I've learned that writing only to please the readers will make you inspirationless.

3.) How do you design your protagonists?

Right now, I'm just trying out loads of new genres and characters and hence, the protagonists differ from each other completely.

4.) Which novel did you relate to the most? Why?

Haven't come across one yet.

5.) What do you aspire to become?

A good person. xD

6.) Which is your favourite fanfic? Why?

Way too many! But I haven't read many OC ones. Suggest? :P Other than that, probably Anterrograde Tomorrow and Baby's Breath. 

7.) Do you prefer the anonymity of online authorship?

The only way I can write and get away with it.

8.) Do you find it easier to write fanfics if your bias is the main lead?

Not necessarily. I find certain celebrities easier to work with than my bias. 

9.) Have you ever created protagonist based on you?


10.) How well read are you when it comes to World Literature?

Read quite a lot. Still reading and will continue to.

11.) Your favourite genre? Why?

I don't go by genre. I read anything as long as I'm free to give my opinions on it. Though I've noticed a lot of good fictions are angst.


Questions by Ryukai -

1. What is your best memory till date?

I have too many or I really just cant decide right now. xD

2. Name one book you read as a child and still read now.

I started reading very young. So, um, probably Jane Eyre or The Secret Garden.

3. How would you like to meet your bias?

When I least expect to see him. Probably when he's touring my country, gets lost and asks me for directions. *gets shot*

4. If you do meet your bias, what would you say?

"Hello. You are my bias and I love you. Our love for chicken is mutual and we both have mushy cheeks." 

5. Do the dishes or do the laundry?


6. Have you ever wanted to change your name? If yes, then to what?

Not really, Kimberly is okay with me. However, I've always fantasized my name being Alastair if I were a boy.

7. Stuffed toys - aye or nay?

Depends on the toy, really. I once had this horror movie stuffed doll. *shudders* Other than that, AY!

8. Favourite website.

Facebook. :P

9. One thing you like about yourself and one thing you dislike about yourself?

I love everything about myself except that I start trusting people and get attached too easily. :)

10. What does karma mean to you?

I strongly believe in karma. And also know that it's a .

11. Favourite drink?

Water. No, seriously.

Questions by nomrawr:

1. Would you ever move to Korea? Why?

2. If your bias were to be racist toward your country/race, what would your reaction be?

3. Do you have anything in common with your bias?

4. Cats or dogs?

5. Starsign?

6. Can you cook? If yes, what's your best dish? xD

7. Do you believe in ghosts?

8. Something you love about yourself?

9. Your 5 favorite books.

10. What would you do if you woke up one day and see your bias sleeping beside you?

11. Are you LGBT friendly?



1. Ryukai

2. shawolistic

3. Alanie

4. loveforfics

5. RonRoxx

6. Chikenprincess

7. Ruka26203

8. Mental_Patient_666

9. Swotulu

10. KwonJiyongsWaifu

11. Yeolliejjang


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