

1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger asked, and then make 11 questions.
3. Tag 11 people and link them the post.
4. Let them know that they have been tagged.

  • How did you get into Kpop?

-I saw se7en in a mag

  • What was the first song you listened to?


  • First bias?


  • Cookies N Cream or Rocky Road?

-cookies N cream

  • What is the talent you are most proud of?

-when i realised that i actually rap

  • Have you been kissed yet?


  • How old are you?

-too old for you to remember.LOLxD

  • Who's your latest inspiration?

-kim suho.yea..xDD

  • Can we talk ouo?

-why not?

  • Most hated trait?


  • Why are you answering thisss?


my questions:

which country are you from?

which country do you like?

what do you wanna be when you grow up?

do you swim?

do you like watching dramas or movies?

which movie do you like the most?

would you rather date your bias,talk to him on the phone/writing love letters to him,or stalk him?

do you like justin bieber?..why??

do you play musical instruments?

which company(in music industries) do you want to participate in as their label mate?

what's your hobby?




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which country are you from?
- hong kong :P

which country do you like?
- i like singapore at the moment :) and KOREA (the places are amazing.. so many mountains!)

what do you wanna be when you grow up?
- I don't know :(

do you swim?
- yeahh, but it's been ages since i've swam.

do you like watching dramas or movies?
- i like movies :) they're shorter :P

which movie do you like the most?
- i like so many movies i cant choose.

would you rather date your bias,talk to him on the phone/writing love letters to him,or stalk him?
- DATE <3 and probs writing love letters to him :) with him replying back :)

do you like justin bieber?..why??
- he's okay, i guess...

do you play musical instruments?
- yep. piano and guitar and the RECORDERRRRR :P

which company(in music industries) do you want to participate in as their label mate?

what's your hobby?
- playing the piano, guitar, watching tv and variety shows and all :)