Tagged by Tripping-Panda


Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you have tagged them


Tripping-Panda's questions!^^

1. What's your name?
...Sorry. I just had to LOL
Anyeong haseyo~ Micha imnida! :3

2. When was the last time you cried? Why?
I think just last night? Well, I wouldn't say I 'cried', but since
there were water flows around my rims so I say yes? xD
It wasn't a sad cry, more like I felt warmth, know what I mean?
Because I feel like no matter how impossible they may seem,
I still want to keep my dreams.

3. What would you do if your bias suddenly ran into your house,
hiding in a corner saying someone was after him/her and he/she needed help?
What a coincidence, 'cause I sometimes dream of that LOL
I would try everything I can to prevent him from ever going back out -creeper mode-
Till he finally realize that being here is much more dangerous than being out there :3

4. Which animal do you fear? And why?
-shivers- Just because LOL

5. What's 3 of your favorite movies?
Whisper of the Heart, Beauty and the Beast, and Barbie Princess and the Pauper.

6. Your favorite book?
Entwined by Heather Dixon <3
I can read this over and over and over!

7. If another alien spiecies cam to earth, how would you react?
Aliens: -runs back to home planet-

8. If you ever witnessed a werewolf in the forest and you knew the person who changed, what would you do?
Ooooh. This is a good one. Hmm, I think I'd be scared out of my wits for one second and then try to follow it.

9. How are you right now?
Hungryyy. I still haven't had breakfast yet =3=

10. Your favorite quote?
"Compared to you, I'm a genius."
- Cho Kyuhyun

11. What do you think of me?
Friendlyyyyy! And very easy to talk to! :3

My questions!

1. What made you sign up on Asianfanfics?

2. Have any pets? What are they?

3. Yes or No, do you like to study? And what subject?

4. Do you play any instruments?

5. Who's your bias that has influenced you?

6. Own any stuff animals?

7. Do you often daydream or do you live in reality?

8. Do you have any idea on who your future husband might be?

9. How much do you relate yourself to fashion?

10. What got you into K-Pop?

11. Do you have that one person who inspires you?




sabrinahasnul | amandahasnul

And anyone else who wants to do it lol I don't know who else to tag.



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OMGEEEE BARBIE MOVIES FTW, hehe I've been reading through these. Quite interesting actually.