Tagged Again By B2stFan3

Everyone knows the rules! But here's it is if you don't know -

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1. What do you think of me?

I still think of you as a friend, why you keep asking this question?

2. Are you a popular person at your school?

No, but I'm friends with a lot of popular people

3. Do you want to see my face?


4. Do ya love me?

Yes, but as a friend/sister

5. Would you PM me?


6. What is the weather outside right now?

Cold, dark, gloomy

7. Should I re paint my nails? If so, what color?

I don't know

8. Have you gotten your period yet? 

........ Ummm~, do I have to answer this? (O.o) And why would you ask? But.......no

9. Are you pale or tan?


10. Can you sing? If so, can you post a video of you singing?

Never and I can't sing

11. Are you on AFF often? ( This is a yes or no question )


Okay! My turn!


1. Describe your favortie group with telling us

2. Describe your Bias without telling us

3. If you could have a whole day with a certain idol, who would it be, what would you do, and why?

4. If you had a whole week with any group, who would it be, what would youb do, and why?

5. If you were friends with any of the kpop idols, and they confess that they're gay, how would you react?

6. Would you tease and purposely if you were friends with a idol gay couple?

7. Would you act like an older sister or mom if your gay friend act like a girl?

8. Would you support the idol if he/she ever says that she/he's gay?

9. Do you like /yuri stories over other kinds?

10. Do you like or yuri better?

11. I have nothing else, so make a question up and answer it yourself. ^^

People I tagged-


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