This seems weird

Okay, so I was looking if there was any guy users on here and I found some! But then they never came back on here since like 2011 or 2012. If you're a guy , and you are on here often, lets be friends! ^^ I just want some guy friends on here since mostly are girls, and I have little guy friends. 

If you're reading this, then vote!-

Please tell truthfully, so I will know how many guys are on here.


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guy huh?
danieyl is on aff. He always log in to check the notification but when it's about to update stories or anything.
he won't.
if you friend with him try to chat with him. i am sure he will reply but maybe late. you know guys.
after done playing games of course.
HAHA I agree. So many girls, but it would be nice to have more guy chingus!
Tell me if they answer!