Tagged by iHartCupcakes Part Dos

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the question the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know you haev tagged them



1. Do you like cupcakes? If not, what sugary pastries do you like?

Awwwww yiss. I also like cookie brownies and a ton of other stuff. 

2. What do you consider is the 'Fanfic of the Week' at the moment?

I don't know?

3. Are you annoyed answering and making up questions?

Answering questions? No. Making up questions? Yes. But I have no one to make questions for so it's all good.

4. Do you like being tagged?

Yes and no. See above.

5. How do you feel when you receive a long message? Whether it be a long heart-felt message or a whole message of criticism?

I love reading messages and stuff. It could be either, I'm not too picky, I hate being the one who has to write it, tho.

6. Do you have any siblings? Younger or older? Sister or brother? (You don't have to tell me the age if you think it's a person question)

Younger sister who is better at writing than me. *cries*

7. Do you hesitate when one of the question is personal? Such as asking your age? (Because I do...)

Not really. Never really stumbled on one so far.

8. Any crushes you have in mind? (:

Do kpop idols count? LOL.

9. Do you have a lot of free time? List 3 things you do when you have free time. List 3 things as to what you need to do if you don't have free time.

Yes and No. I make free time for procrastinating. I don't actually have that much free time.

Free time:

1. Listen to music <3 (maybe sing a little)

2. Read. <3 (if i find good books, which is rare nowadays)


No Free Time:

1. Homework

2. Moar Homeork

3. EVEN MOAR HOMEWORK (Prep school, I'm looking at you)

10. What is your favorite song at the moment? Care to share the link for a listen? (: 

Definately every single Exo song.

Also Dead End, Darkness Eyes, Survivor, Shine, and other DBSK songs.

I know its not a favorite BUT IT'S SO HARD TO CHOOSE D:

11. What did you dress up as for Halloween?(If you celebrate it!) 

Nothing. I went to school in a Winchaisters t-shirt if that count, but it probably doesnt. 



Again, this tag will end with me. Sorry.


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LOL Idols do not count! xD