Divine Nine {Kwon Min Jee}


Story by Alice_2003



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Username : BlackRose001

Activeness :7.5/10

Nickname :Andreia


Name : Kwon Min Jee

Other Names : Andreia - European Name

Nicknames : Min-Min; MJ, B-Rose; Rose

Date of Birth :20th of March, 1994

Age :19

Birthplace :London

Hometown :Seoul

Blood Type :AB

Height :168cm

Weight : 53kg

Languages spoken :English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarim, Spanish, French, Portuguese


Style and appearance : Badass, y and hip-hop style. Uses y dresses and short but never skirts.


Ulzzang or Idol: Lee Da Som

Pictures :Here

Back up ulzzang or Idol : Lee Yeon Ju

Pictures :Here


Personality : Even if you are a person that knows Min Jee for a long time, you will always be wondering who is Min Jee?! She is a really mysterous person when it comes about her personal life. She never talks about herself. She is the type of person that you can always be comfotable with, can talk about everything that worries you because she will keep it a secret forever. She cares alot about the people she loves and will always protect them. She never shows her real emotions to anyone and does her best to not bother people with her problems.

When she´s on stage she turns into a y girl. Everything about her turns y. She will be y, fierce and won´t be afraid of anything.

Likes :

—White chocolate 

— Capuccino

— The Darkness and the night

— Black Roses

— Scary movies

Dislikes :

— Dark Chocolat

— Lies

— Bullies

— Watermelon

— Skirts

Hobbies :

— Skatboarding

— Singing

Habits :

— Bitting her bottom lip when she´s nervous

— Writing lyrics when she´s bored

Fears :

— Love

— Spiders

Trivia :

— Has 2 scars forming a  X on her whole back

— Is a computer addicted

— Has a big collection of acessoires, heels, sneakers, nail products and caps.

— Has 2 tattoos: 1| 2

— Does crazy stuff to her nails: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

— She writes and composes musics really well.

— She knows hot to plays, guitar, drums, piano and violin. She also knows how to use a DJ Set. She even has one at her apartment: 1|


Best Friends 

Amber || 21 || F(x) Member || Like a big sister, caring, boyish, sometimes dorky || At a street rap competition || We are always competing against each other. Always teaching new stuff at each other.

Friends :

Zelo || 17 || B.A.P Member || Caring, shy, funny, dorky, clumsy(sometimes) || At a skateboarding competition || Always doing skating. rapping, dancing and singing competitons with each other.

Rival :

Hyuna || 21 || 4Minute member || Funny and cute but at the same time a devil person || At Divine Nine debut stage || We try to ingnore each other but if we are alone we start cursing and sometimes figthing.


Family : None


Background : Min Jee never knew her real parents. Ever since she was born, she lived in an orphanage. When she was 6 years old, she was a doptade by a recent married couple. For the first year they were really kind and caring towards Min Jee but after that year, they started to use her as an expirement. They would use their expirements on her to see how it would work on a human. They even started to torture her and one time they were drunk that they with a knife stabbed her on the her back forming an X that was seen in all her back. There was a time that her father rapped her for several months, until she killed both her parents. When the police found the truth they couldn´t judge Min Jee, she was just defending herself. Everyone tought that sending her tou South Korea would be the best. Unil she was 13, she lived in a orphanage and at that age she decided to audition at Starstruck Ent and she was accepted. When Min Jee told them her leving conditions, the CEO decided to give her an apartement close to the building and also paid her the school. She was a girl different from the others and the CEO couldn´t stop worring about her.



Number of years of training :6

Persona :Mysterous Queen

Stage Name :Rose

Position :Triple Threat

Back up position :Main Rapper, dancer, sub-vocalist

Fanclub Name :Rozers

Fanclub Color :              


Love Interest : Kris

Back up love interest : Baekhyun

Age :22

Group :Exo

Personnality :He may look cold but in reality is a really caring person. Can be over-protective with people that he is really close with. Since he is one of Exo´s leaders, he doesn´t like when people disobey him or when his dongsaengs try to order him around.

How you met : SM was doing a concert and Amber invited me. She presented all F(x) members to me as well as Shinee. The next thing that I know, we are doing a rap competition and Exo enters in the room that we were. Amber presented me to them and it was when I saw Kris looking at me and I looked back like a chanllenge.

How you act around each other : We care for each other but we never show our feelings to each other. Kris is really over-protective and is always curious about me.


Comments : Hi there ^^ I really loved your concept and I need to tell you that english isn´t my first language, soo there might be some mistakes. Sorry about that >.< Hope I get chosen :D

Suggestions :

Scene requests :Kris sees Min Jee´s back.

Min Jee tells Kris her past.

Min Jee tell to the girls about her past and shows them her back.

Kris being really over-protective towards Min Jee when he sees her with Zelo.

A kissing scense in the rain.



Password PANDAS~!


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