I hate when people forget me! :'(

I was at my cousins party (she's the same age as me and kind of like kpop (I don't really know how to put it lol))

We came gave her present ate and then the adults talk and we two was in her room(suposed to talk but... She wanted to painted so I just sat there looking at my phone.....Not fun)

After a while It was just me and my parents (and her family of course) Who was left so they decided to watch a movie, that I of course already seen and didn't want to see :/

So I sat alone in her room drawing while listening to music.... 

I thought that the movie took really long time and that they laugh I little bit too much, but I thought they just had bad humor! 

I waited for sooo long for the movie to end so my cousin could come back!!

But then we went home direct after.

When my family went home (I felt sad so I didn't talk that much) My dad suddenly said 

''You missed some funny clips there!!''

''What?'' I asked. I didn't know what clips he talked about

''We watched the show... err, americans funniest videos or something''  he said

So when I was waiting for my cousin to come back they all sat and watched americas funniest home videos, laughing and I didn't know anything!!

No one asked me to come or checked what I was doing no they just sat there watching!!

So yeah I feel pretty sad that they forgot me (again!!)

It happens often that people walk away with other persons, without telling me and it just make me so sad!! :'(

Sorry for writing it here I just needed to write it somewhere :/


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