Tagged 2

Tagged this time by the one and only jjangual (you better feel special! I'm prioritizing you over my PPD hw =3=)

1) Post the rules
2) Answer the questions the tagger asked and create 11 new ones
3)  Tag 11 people and link them to the post
4) Tell them they've been tagged
1. what's your favorite candy.
                                                   I love sour worms or any sour type of candy really. Not really a huge fan of minty or caramel type of sweets
2. what are your thoughts about specific parts of the exo fandom. you know what i mean.
                                                                                                                                                                         I think that some people on general need a good slap and smell the roses whereas for the others keep up the good work and keep supporting these 12 life ruiners and wallet destroyers

3. what are your thoughts on sasaengs.
                                                                         I feel like going up to each one of them and tell them "Get a grip! Exo ain't goin to pay for your hospital bills if you fell from that tree you were climbing just to see them or when you get hit by a car from running through the streets to get a glimpse of their faces. They won't thank you for throwing aside your whole life just for them or  be happy to know that you were one of those people who mauled them at the airport!!!"Jeez, I swear it's because of these people that all of us seem like a bunch a rabid people.

4. if you could meet any kpop star/underground artist, who would you meet and why?
                                                                                                                                                               Easy, I would love to meet Chenchen in real life as we gallop into the sunset on a unicorn with rainbow colored mane and a glittery horn

5. do you know demento/giriboy/zion ing t.
                                                                                         Not demento or giriboy but I freakin love Zion T. his songs give me too many feels~

6. jongdae vs. xiumin. ( that question is super hard for me otl i don't even have an answer sobs. )
                                                                                                                                                                                      Easy Funky funky chen chen oppar of course!!! And to think I'd thought you'd choose your long lost cousin ;)

7. do you ever get tired of people comparing exo k to exo m.
                                                                                                                  Yes! Like each member are unique in their own way with their own charms and appeals. Only diff between them is that one sings in chinese and other korean. Seriously unless the other group has actual twins in the other (I do hope each member has a secret twin!!!More exo lovin for me~) don't compare them EVAR *~*

8. or fluff.
                              duh? You always get fluff at the end of it anyways or in between if the mood is ruined (if ya know what I mean wink wink)

9. what are your favorite shippings for your ultimate bias.
                                                                                                            Suchen all the way!!! They'll make y, drool worthy and tear inducing babies like omg I WANT THEIR BABIES~
10. do you like m&ms.
                                         It's like asking me if I need air to breath. Case closed~

11. do you love me.
                           YES~ COME HERE YOU *makes kissy faces* 
Now onto my questions:
1) Which OTP would you like to have beautiful babies first?
2) Favourite kink for your otp
3) Fave kink fic? (Please put the link)
4) Craziest thing you've done for your ultimate bias/group?
5) Stupidest thing you have done (drunk/sober)
6) A stupid thing you wish to do
7) Describe the ultimate outfit of comfort
8) Do you own a onesie? If you do what character/animal is it? If you don't what character/animal do you wish to own? (a onesie is those full pyjamas that has no top or bottom and kpop stars usually wear those...dear god these things are hard to explain. If you don't get it google it!)
9) Summer/Winter?
10) Lipstick/Lipgloss?
11) To be or not to be?........Lolz jk heels/converse?
Tagging: jjangual (yes I choose you~ gotta catch them all pokemon~) and whoever else wanna do it


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