
Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


(Tagged by  PipTheTerrible)


1. If you were omnipotent (the ruler of all things with unlimited power) for one day, what is the FIRST thing you would change? Why?


How much you have to pay for things.


2. If you could do one thing for one of your favourite idols to make them like you (can be romantic or can be totally platonic), what would it be? In other words, what's one thing you can do that can make people love you? 

... DISCLAIMER: if you tell me, I can't be held responsible if I fall hopelessly in love with you ;)


I would listen to them I think what alot of people need is a good listener someon,e who wants to get to know you and doesn't mind listening to a few of your problams so would just try to really "get" them. :P


3. People are always asking what your idea of a perfect date is. I'm entirely uninterested in this. What's your idea of the WORST date in history? Details get you virtual hugs galore.


I think the worst date would be a date where the guy is just to over the top and trying to make the date to date-ish,

like flowers candle light dinner and fancy food. I problably don't like and just a really stiff night I would like my date to be fun and light hearted not some fake day where we try to impress each other by being someone we are not. Lol


4. If you looked in the mirror right now, what would be one awesome thing staring back at you? (While the answer 'Me!' is acceptable and 100% true, specificity is love.) In other words, what do you think is your best physical feature? You can't say nothing. You're all hot and you know it. 


Uhm, I would say my eyes are my best feture. I geuss people have told me they like my eyes often beceuse they look "asian" they say Lol but I like the color. ^ ^


5. Are your friends KPoP fans too? In other words, do you have better friends than me? -_-


Uhm, I don't have any friends in real life that like kpop besides my sister if you wanna count her. haha 


6. Would you rather be overweight with a beautiful face or toned and thin with a hideous face? Why? 


Uhm..  I geuss overweight and beautiful face I can just workout, which I have done before but if my face is ugly then that would be harder to fix. :L


7. Which girlgroup do you think are most likely to have the most EPIC catfights with one another? Which girlgroup do you think are most likely to have EPIC catfights with OTHER girlgroups?


Hmm, maybe SNSD and Nine Meuses since SNSD was nine first? LOL 


8. What is your favourite thing about KPoP?


The hard working people good singers and awesome culture. <3


9. If you were a KPoP artist, would you rather be a star in a group or stand alone in the spotlight as a solo artist? 


I think I would like to be in a group, maybe I would have a solo later like GD or something but I wanna know what it's like to be in a group and have those cool group dances and consepts. :)


10. What is one thing you hate doing more than anything in the world? Why do you hate it?


I hate going to the doctor they always tell me things I already know it's cold in there and they always wanna try to get you to a gt shots or run a test it .! 


11. Refer to Question 10. If one of the idols you're most attracted to LOVED doing the thing you alluded to in question 10, would you pretend to love doing it too? Or would you be edgy and tell them the truth in the hopes that they'll have sleepless nights thinking about how epicly awesome and blunt you are? 


Well I'm a very blunt person so I would tell them I didn't like it no matter what it was. :P


New questions

1.) What is your middle name?

2.)what is your favorite song at the moment?

3.)when was your first kiss

4.) If you could marry a kpop idol who would it be?

5.)What was the most brave thing you have ever done in your life?

6.) If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?

7.)What's your favorite fast food meal?

8.)which kpop group are you not that into?

9.)Have you ever won a kpop item?

10.)Which kpop star do you share a birthday with?

11.)Do your mom and dad like kpop?


I tagg JiHae1 , iloveyoualways , LucyIncredible , haru_chan , beommie , Myrul_Izwan 

BLAQhyung , Masked_Midnight , MiaAmor , omg-gd , conchobar 


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PipTheTerror #1
DUDE. Stuff really IS way too expensive! I'm so glad you said you'd change that \o/
I love that :P It's so honest and blunt.

lol, another vote for SNSD catfights :P I would LOVE to see them catfight \o/

Btw, doctors DO -_-
thanks for the entertaining answers, dude ;)

- PiP.