So I'm guessing that no one knows I do have different accounts here on AFF. Is that illegal? O_O I don't remember that being a sin though. :)) But I just kept it secretive well not really, just showing the different sides of me. I did not claim not having other accounts =) teehee.


I'm tired of managing different accounts, and having different personalities for each account. but all these personalities are all me. I'm not fake. It's just like I use this account when I'm normal and happy :) and then when I'm high I go to my other account, and when I'm pissed off or mad I go this other account. So these are all my personalities separated. 


and since I am very VERY very tired. . .

I decided to combine all the three accounts. all the stories, all the posts, all the FRIENDS, all the profiles will be transfered to this account since this is the original, the first, and the most prosperous < HAHAHA char! :P anyways so yeah :)) I'll still be the same person you first met and the same person who is crazy, weird, and fun. 


and I do have three accounts all in all :> and I will also get a new username :)


TRINITY (because I have three accounts. containing three different shades of me.)


SOPHIEKHUN (I wanna keep the originality :) and I really really really love this username out of all. because it's what first came to my mind > it's my name combined with NICHKHUN ^^)


triSOPHIEnity :)

agree? :)) YAY!!

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3 see you soon ^_^




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-lujoy #1
nice hehe i thought trinity would be just good but when you put the plus and sophiekhun... even better! XD