Tagged again~

Rule 1: Post the Rules

Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 n ones.

Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them the post.

Rule 4:Let them know you've tagg them.


oo1: Do you have a tumblr? If so what's your name?

Yeah - Cheesezard xD

oo2: What's your favorite movie?

Oh gosh... right now maybe Harold & Kumar or Kill the boss .. xD

oo3: Do you like instagram? If so why?

Tbh not really because it kind of confuses me >.< xD

oo4: If you could go to any concert (kpop or not) which would you go first?

SS5! \( *O* )/

oo5: Would you be in a kpop group? If yes what position would you hope was yours?

Uhh, no I'd rather be the crazy, fanatic fan XD

oo6: Why is your Aff name what it is?

Well first it was supposed to be only my name for a game and I kind of used it since then xD

oo7: if your a author here what's your favorite story to write?

my pedo-Kyu fic! ^-^

oo8: Who is your otp and why are they ?

Actually I have to: Eunhae and Kyumin, just because they seemed the most appealing to me when I saw them the first time in SJ mini dramas XD

oo9: Which group do you wish had more of a following?

Hmm.. maybe 17 - they're new so they need it :3

oo10: Favorite song of this moment?

I'd say SJ-M's My all is in you~

oo11: What country would you love to see?

Actually I want to visit every country, but I'm contented with going to China and Japan for now :3


1. What was/ is your favorite board game ?


2. Any addictions ?


3. Is there something you always take with you - everywhere ? If yes - what is it ? (except of clothes.. xD)


4. Do you know how to eat with chopsticks ? :D


5. Favorite ice cream flavor ?


6. Do/ did you ever smoke (or) drink (alcohol XD) ?


7. Do you like writing ?


8. What's your favorite genre ?


9. What color do your bed linen have ? :D


10. Ever climbed a mountain ? xD


11. Did anybody even read this ? XDD


Uhh I won't tag anyone, but everybody who wants to answer those questions - go ahead! xD


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