Tagged by YcaM_MuSicWaRRior


1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones
3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post
4. Let them know you've tagged them

Not going to tag 11 other people cause I just woke up and I'm lazy as =u=

1. What's your name? (First name, that's fine)

I will just tell u my Japanese name cause I don't like my name XD Hikari~

2. Which group/band was the first you liked ever?

BigBang & SNSD
3. Who was your first bias?

4. Who's your bias now?

A Lot of hot/smexy/cute Korean and Chinese guys -3-
5. Have you been to a KPOP concert before?

Nope but I'm going to INFINITE in December~~
6. Do you love cheesecake, coffee, ramen, cherry tomatoes, cheetos, & green tea flavor?

Only Cheesecake and Ramen
7. Do you feel like you really like your bias? Truly?

Just instead of 'your bias' Jenissi(ToppDogg) then Yes :3
8. Are you older than your bias, or younger?

Younger than all of them u.u But when SEVENTEEN's debuts not anymore xD 
9. Are you weird?

Ohhell yeah xD 
Does your teachers, classmate, friends, family, or parents expect you to know every word in Korean, since you're a k-popper?

Classmates and friends yes~ but only my Kpoppers friends.... My mum don't give a and my dad is just proud when I know smt lol

11. Do you prefer B.A.P or Bangtan Boys?



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