What's up with the jongkey die hard fans? o.o


So. I love jongkey as much as the next fangirl.

BUT what's up with the die hard fans, who go to every jongtae, ontae, onkey, minkey story, just to diss it.

Come on now! If you don't like it, don't read it. Nobody dragged your to the story, and forced you to read it.

If you don't like seeing Jonghyun's in somebody else, that's your problem. Not ANYBODY else's. Except for your other "jongkey die hard fans" friends.

And i know some of you are like:

knowyourmeme:  Presented without comment KYMdb - Oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer

But i'm just saying. And if you decide to leave me a nasty message, or wallpost well...





XDDD LOL yeah, but enough with the random gif posting :3 see yall! Thanks for taking the time to read my opinion XD


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sweetasdeath #1
@LumosFeather15 thank you! Thhat's what i'm saying! Just stay out of it if you don't like it! lol but thanks for reading and commenting ^^
sweetasdeath #2
@strawberri_sakura lol chanks chu <33
sweetasdeath #3
@jongbb93 ~.~' i'm a . I'm actually addicted to ontae at the moment, so i must've just typed it out cuz it was in my head at the moment >> lol thanks for reading and commenting though ^^
JongBB93 #4
YEAH I SO AGREE! Eventhou I like Jongkey but I don't like it when people diss other Jonghyun and Key pairings >:( But.... you typed 'Ontae' too... do Jongkey shippers do that to Ontae too?
strawberri_sakura #5
You're hilarious <3 and I agree totally~