Tagged by OutspokenGirl612 & ehChanNuneo

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by: OutspokeGirl612                                                                                                                                 
OutspokenGirl612's tag questions:
1. Describe yourself physically. (It wouldn't hurt for me to have an idea of the person I'm talking to, lol.)
Hmmm~ Ok! I'm a small. Meaning I'm only 163 cm "tall" xD
I'm sporty. Because of this my body is...healthy? I mean, people consider me thin...but in a healthy way? ö.ö
My face is oval shaped. My eyes are double eyelid and big. My eye colour is everything expect brown. Meaning I have grey, green and blue tones in my eyes. Ö.Ö
My upper lip is smaller than the other...making it look like that I pout a lot xD
My nose is the feature I hate the most. She is kind of long... >.<
My natural hair colour is blond and I have side swept bangs. Currently I'm trying to grow my hair out. They are currently pretty long, going over my s. ^^
But hey~ Since a lot of people already know how I look...
2. What's your favorite movie and why?
Ugh~ That's hard ö.ö
But...I'll choose Hachiko and The Avengers.
I love both movies so damn much *-*
Hachiko is a movie about the friendship between a dog and it's owner. How determind and loyal the dog is towards his owner...I cried rivers at the end of the movie...so sad T___T I also like the fact that Richard Gere is the main in this film...I loved him since I was a kid xD The bonus of the film is that the story really happened.
The Avengers...well, I'm a superhero fan xD
So I think it's obvious that I love this movie. So many superheros in one film *-*
But there are two movies I would recommend as well...they aren't my favourites but worth watching...at least in my opinion.
The movies are 'Mama' and 'The House At The End Of The Street'. Why I recommend those two movies? Well, I hate the genre horror...or at least I'm not fond of it xD
But those two movies are so great...so I just had to recommend them :D
3. What fic would you recommend me to read? (Not your own! :P )
Hahaha~ No worries...I'm not that confident in my stories to promot them xD
*thinks hard*
Oh! I would recommend 'I'm The Emperor' and the sequel to it 'He's My Emperor'. It's a rated and straight fanfic with Lee Junho as the main.
But I would also recommend 'Just A Little, Maybe' by gummimoon. A ChanKhun rated fanfic...the author is just too good to be true *-* And the story line...damn. Chansung as a racer *-*
If you would ask me which author I'm currently obsessed with...I would answer 2PM2PM2PM! She is a genuious when it comes to 2PM stories. I also admit that I'm her personal stalker...since all her stories are in my subscriptions section xD
There is also the_arrogant_cat. She is more into straight 2PM stories. :D
Ok...sorry xD
There are a lot more but I guess I should stop...ö.ö
4. What's a chilhood memory that you still remember vividly? (Mine's one where I was 2 years old and my dad arrived at my mom's university to pick us up and I interrupted the class by running and screaming "Dad!")
That's easy for me! It was when I learnt how to ride a bike.
I had a pink barbie bike back then...with stabilizers :)
My dad wanted me to lean to drive without them. So he demounted the stabilizers, held my bike at the end and told me I should start driving. We drove a few rounds, each day the same. Untill one day, I told him: "Daddy, please don't let go of me." (Since he had let go the day before and I fell...so I was afraid that it would happen a second time xD) My father assured me that he wouldn't and I started driving... So, when I stopped I realised my father stood meters away; beside my mom, smiling brightly at me while clapping into his hands. He then screamed: "Congratz honey, you just drove completely alone."
Yeah...I can remember that as if it had been yesterday ^-^
5. Is there anything you regret?
Of course...there are a lot things I regret. For example that I wasn't able to attend the concert in Germany; where 2PM had a guest appearance last week T___T
If I had to choose the thing I regret the most...I would say that it was the fact that I couldn't attend my grandmothers funeral a year ago.
I wanted to go so damn much...but I couldn't since I had a really high fever and wasn't in school for around 3 week...or was it one month?
My grandmother wasn't blood related with me. She was my grandfathers third wife. (His first wife was my mothers mom) But hey...she had always been the Granny that was there for me...she knew me since I was a baby. She was my Grandmother...and I regret that I couldn't attend her funeral....
6. What's your biggest dream?
My biggest dream? I want to live a happy life with my future husband - who is hopefully my soul mate - and children. That is probably my biggest dream :)
But I also dream of visiting Korea and meet 2PM x3
7. Biggest fear? (Mine's being left alone.)
That my parents, relatives or fiends die in front of my eyes...that's my biggest fear.
8. Ultimate bias? (Only one!!)
I guess that was the fastest answer I wrote today xD
9. In which country do you live?
Austira :D Wiener Schnitzel *thumbs up* xD
10. Favorite quote. (Yes, I enjoy reading those.)
You have to take the good with the bad,
smile when you're sad, love what you've got and remember what you had.
Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret,
people change, things go wrong, just remember lief goes on...
11. Do you have a song that's meaningful to you and why?
I quess...I have to skip this ö.ö
I mean, I do have a lot songs that mean something to me.
For example Without U from 2PM. Since it's the first song I've heard from them...if it wouldn't be this song I wouldn't have fallen for them...
But I guess...I just have to wait a while longer to find the most meaningful song in my life ^-^


Tagged by: ehChanNuneo

ehChanNuneo's tag questions:

1. Did you ever hate kpop before you join this fandom?
Hmmm~ No, I didn't hate kpop. I mean, a few years ago I had no idea what kpop meant. I'm in generall a really open minded person. After seeing a short video I got interested in kpop and started searching for more. This is basically how I got into kpop. But I never hated it ^-^ 
2. Are you against people who are multifandom?
Hell no~
I respect their favourite groups, since I also want them to respect mine.
I mean, I have also various of groups I'm listening to. I like almost every kpop group out there. As said, I'm really open minded and respectfull when it comes to different fandoms. I bet I wouldn't even be able to name all the groups I'm in love with ^-^
3. Who is your first bias in kpop fandom?
Do you mean the first person who was my very first bias or my current bias?
Never mind...I'll answer both xD
My very first bias in kpop was Shinee's Jonghyun :)
This was untill I fell in love with 2PM's maknae Hwang Chansung ♥
To cut it short...Jonghyun was my first bias ever. He was my number one...around 9-10 months...a short year?
And then Chansung appeared. He is my absolute bias!
He is my bias since...uhm...let me count...early 2010? Yeah...so he is my everything since around 4 years now. And I can assure you...he is going to be on the top for a long time ^-^
4. Do people called you as "the kpop girl/boy" and if yes what do you feel when they called you that?
No, I was never called that.
But my collegues knew about my passion for kpop. They often made fun of koreans...or asians in generall. Thinking I was crazy to love such a weird genre. Since they always said things like: "Why do you listen to that...you can't understand a word they sing." I always answered that they also didn't understand everything when listening to english songs ^^
I guess my bestie helped me through that...since she is also a big kpop fan and a hottest with all she got :)
After gangnamstyle came out they had to agree that kpop was kind of catchy...since then they don't make fun of the genre anymore ^-^
How I felt about that?
Well, I have to admit that I hated it. I mean...is it a crime to listen to 'different' music? I was always mad when they made fun of the genre. But I would've never given up kpop. I'm a stubborn and confident person. I exactly know what I want and I don't care what others might think of me...so...I kept on listening to kpop ♥
5. Do you ever regret anything that you've done regarding kpop and if yes what it is?
 I regret not attending 2PM guest appearance in Germany. Germany is a neighbour country of Austria. With my car I would've been there in around 8 hours ^^ So it would've been managable ._.
Sadly I had to work the day before...and the tickets were sold out, my bestie got ill and I had to stay at home...
This is the thing I regret the most when it's regarding Kpop. Because I fear that this would've been my only chance to see them live T___T
 6. Do you think you will get over kpop and leave this fandome one day?
Hmmm~ could be? But I doubt it. Sadly I'm no future teller Q_Q
But I'm currently - about 4 years now - in love with kpop...so I gess it would take me a while to get over kpop xD
 7. Do you consider yourself a kpop addict?
*nodds furiously* Yes...I would definitely call myself an addict xD
 8. What's your most ert thought of your bias?
Would it've been better to rate this post? ö.ö xD
I guess imagining him sleeping with one of s...or a woman? ö.ö
Maybe pleasuring himself? *nosebleed*
Ok...fact is...I love reading M stories. And since I also write straight M and fanfics...I guess I need my imagination to write it xD So yeah...I had a lot of erted thoughts about...2PM in general ♥
 9. What are your requirements of a fanfic for you to read it?
I said before that I love a lot of kpop groups...and I really do! But...I only read 2PM stories.
So if the story doesn't have a 2PM member in it...I don't read it >.<
Maybe I'm to obsessed with them? ö.ö
I don't know...I just can't imagining reading - for example - a rated fic with an Infinite or MBLAQ or *counts down all her favourite groups* member. It's just impossible for me. At first I hated M rated fanfics...or...omg I felt so awkward reading ...but I gave it a try...since I'm open minded...and I loved it.
But for me also the characterization and the plot is important ^-^
10. What's your favourite fanfic?
That's hard...OutspokenGirl612 asked a similar question~
So yeah...I have a lot fanfics who are my favourites ^-^ I can't decide between them *bows*

My questions:

1. Let's say I'm not a Kpop fan and you want me to become one...which 3 MV's would you show me in order to impress me?

2. Who's your ultimate bias? (I know...thats an overused question...but I want to know ^^ Oh...and please only one~)

3. Name me your favourite Kpop group and why you fell in love with them.

4. Did you bring someone to listen to Kpop? Like, the person really became a Kpop fan? (Like me...I changed three of my besties into Kpop fans ^^)

5. Does your family know that you are in that genre? (My mom has no idea what Kpop is...xD)

6. Where do you get your inspirations from when you want to start a new fanfic? (I mean, if you do write fanfics...of course)

7. How did you get into Kpop?

8. Could you recommend any good movies, k-dramas or asia movies? (I've currently no idea what to watch xD)

9. What do you hate the most when reading a fanfiction? On the opposite...what's the most important thing when starting to read a fanfic?

10. How would you react when you are attending a concert of your favourite group (or bias) and he/she/they come towards you, shaking hands or dancing in front of you? (It's always funny to hear different reactions xD)

11. Tell me...why do you love kpop? Why is it so special to you? Why is it hard for you to stop listening to it?

OutspokenGirl612, ehChanNuneo, 2pmfan, Tini_Blue, the_arrogant_cat, YuYuan, 2PM2PM2PM, poisoncheeks, beckbe, P3i_yinG, Fanykuroi
I know a few of you already answered a lot of questions...so I just want to say...you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it ^^
I know it's a lot of work replying those questions. I'm not going to be hurt or mad~ I'm a nice girl ^-^
Oh...I read through my answeres a few times...but...I know that there are still grammar and spelling mistakes...so sorry for that ^-^" *bows*



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