Since I got tagged...

Tagged by Eunhae123689

1. Ultimate OTP?

Its a tie between Kyumin and Yewook

2. What animal are you most like?

Um...I'm not really sure.  My personality is mostly quiet, but I can be outgoing at times. I also have a temper.

3. Ever have those times when you listen to another language (that's not your own) for a long time and then later you hear in your language and you're just like ".-. wut?"

Not really.

4. Did question 3 make sense?

Kind of. It might be confusing to some people but I understand what you're trying to say.

5. What color is your hair?

Brown. In summer, I get blonde highlights because of the sun.

6. Like anybody ^_-?

Just got out of a relationship not to long ago, so my answer would be no.

7. Anyone have this really cute person they like but the person is just a total ?

I knew a few people like that in high school.

8. Unicorns and dragons or monkeys and fish?


9. f(x) Amber needs more singing parts? Yes or no?


10. Homework and school have become your worst enemy?

I'm not in school anymore, but work has.

11. You're wondering how long this "tagging game" is gonna last?



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